What's This THE PILL by Unger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Is using this Product better than Using JOY?
I like Glass Gleam. I use the pill way back when I first started. Joy,Dawn ,little ammonia added for insides helps very dirty ones. Vapour steamer works great on insides.
The Pill is Old School.
Ammonia is "Ancient School".

Most guys use either dish soap or Glass Gleam.
The debate between the two is called Soap Wars. It's similar to the 1/2" vs. 5/8" Hose Wars.
I though it was to prevent your strip washer from getting pregnant by the squeege.

We have been using dish soap for 10yrs without a problem no need to change something if it isn't broken.

Then again what would I know..... apparently I don't know enough about anything in this industry to rate as an expert.

Apparently I can't even teach a monkey to clean concrete,but I sure can clean circles around most as a one man show.
If you eat one I guarantee you won't get pregnant, Scott.
Thanks Thad I know ammonia really old school with all the new products that are out there do you realy need ammonia. Thad are you going to be at the RT in Tampa I would like pick your brain on window cleaning.

No, but Ron is trying to get some window cleaners there. And of course you can always ask questions here or WCR.