What's that smell?

John Orr

For the past few days, I have been noticing a foul odor emanating from my rig. The first time, I attributed it to a leaking septic system or possibly the tide being out.

Yesterday, I noticed the odor again, in a neighborhood away from the water and with city sewer, and realized that it was coming from my rig. I wasn't using hot water or any chems that could cause this very strong smell. I made a mental note to call HydrTek in the morning and ask them what it could be. As I was wrapping-up yesterday's job, I heard a gurgling/hissing sound I had never heard before.

Now I had a stinking/hissing rig. I tracked-down the source to...the battery! Inside it's case, the battery was hissing and spitting sulfuric acid! How/why it didn't explode, I don't know.

The moral of the story, If your rig stinks, check the battery!