What yah doin for the holidays????????

Trying to talk the wife into a cruise ship, for sure not going to any family affairs this year.

Her family, my family, my sister, my daughters in laws. To many places so I am sitting it out.

Besides I might end up working the night before till 4 or 5 AM and sleep all day anyway.

Now back to talking to wife, I refuse to take her to Vegas. Oh reason for it is I don't drive that road during any holiday, it is a death wish I don't have.

Eating turkey, drinking beer and watching my sorry Skins smack those sorry girls all around TX stadium!!!!

subliminal message to Spurrier...runDavisrunDavisrunDavis

Let me see. Here is my schedule:
Monday Start 6:00 a.m. End 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday Start 6:00 am End 11:30 A.m. Start again 1:30 Pm End 10:00 Pm
Wed Sleep IN Start 2:30 Pm End 10:30 PM
Thursday, NO WORK
Fri Start 6:00 AM finish 7:30 PM
Sat Start 6:00 AM Finish when done.

What is a holiday???

I am just glad it is a lighter week,thank goodness.

Scott all I have to say is your wife is truly a slave driver, working you so hard the day before and after a what did you call it again, oh yeah holiday.

Poor Scott, we should all offer a hand to him, everone clap now!
