The founding fathers would be turning over in their graves if they thought the government had access to these weapons without allowing the public equal access.
That was the whole point of the constitution; to limit the power of government.
And from 1791 (when the bill of rights was ratified) to 1934 - when the first federal gun laws went into effect. We had 143 years of private citizens being allowed to own every single piece of equipment the military used. And yet, there was relative peace. (excepting when Lincoln destroyed the constitution)
If the men and women in Waco had this kind of technology maybe they would have had a fighting chance. If they did anything all they did was break regulatory rules regarding registration of guns. Yet they are dead. Including the children.
The 2nd amendment wasn't written so that we could hunt. That was a given. It was necessary for survival just like it is in parts of Alaska today.
The 2nd amendment wasn't written so that we could defend our homes. Domestic crime was almost unheard of in those days.
The reason for the second amendment was to give people like David Koresh and Randy Weaver at least a fighting chance. Just like Paul Revere, Daniel Morgan, James Monroe, George Washington and many others who simply wanted the government to leave them alone to determine their own personal affairs.
We need these drones.
We need them to combat the drones that will soon be peeking in our windows to demand that we relinquish our children because of our religious beliefs among thousands of other reasons.