what type of terms and conditions do you guys have?


New member
Anything that you send out with a bid? Do you guys usually give the price right onn the spot or send it later in the mail?
Terms are covered on my proposal sheet. I do my best to give them the price right there. It gives you a chance to explain anything and sell your service.
Anything that you send out with a bid? Do you guys usually give the price right onn the spot or send it later in the mail?

I use a triplicate NCR form that I do quotes on. They are designed with check boxes for the different services that I may provide to the homeowner, I have three pages to the quote that I use as needed. Page one is for property cleaning, Page two is for wood or deck restoration and page three has the actual pricing and payment terms / deposit requirements with spact to write additional information as needed. Also on the back of the third page, I have my terms and conditions printed. Where the customer signs, It states "I have read and agree to the fees, terms and conditions.

I keep the pink copy for my records and the client keeps the yellow and returns the origonal to us with the deposit.

Sample of page 1 attached


  • ncr property cleaning.doc
    280 KB · Views: 83
We do mostly residential roof cleaning.
But we have done commercial too.
Usually, on residential we go make a deal and do it.
Commercial usually wants a bid in writing, and so thats what we do.