What makes a BBS work?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
What makes a BBS work?

Help me figure this out. Could anyone open one right now because there now are so many? I know some don’t like the idea of having so many BBS.

I personally think that this BBS is the best but I like the idea that others are venturing into the BBS world. Competition makes us strong. Glen & Steven will come up with some new ideas I’m sure.

I realize others are troubled that information is being thinned out. Don’t worry because I think theirs room for 50 BBS on pressure washing. I believe theirs room for two more publications. Maybe even another organizations to bring us together and raise the standards for the PWNA.

Please answer my question with professionalism. I’m seriously trying to figure why some us fall down and other BBS do well.

If delco is the mother BBS where will all these others and PWI be in a couple years. The rents paid on this BBS for 10 years. After that I don’t know if I will continue to pay or let someone else carry the torch.

I have freed these BBS up, now we are starting to enjoy free talking and little censorship. I want the industry standards to raise and I believe we are doing that each and every day.

BBS have come A long way,,, some are still afraid to post…. WHY????????????
BBS have come A long way,,, some are still afraid to post…. WHY???????????? [/B]

Because those people are too selfish to post and help others. Yet, I'm sure they have benefited from a bbs at one time or another.........
Personally, although I visit other BB I usually only post here, and if I have a question I only ask it here, I decided a while ago that I would only post on one bb less confusing, and I got tired of answering or asking the same question over . Anyway it seems that the same people answer your question no matter where you post it , I personally think less is better in this case.
why this BBS is good?

I think its because it shows meny diffrent ways to approach a problem not just ONE.
There is a newer BBS out there right now and without getting THEM pissed off at me, if thats possiable.
This newer board gives information on cleaning by just telling the person asking the questions, What brand of THEIR CHEMICAL to use.
Im sure it works, it seems there site was started to sell there chems. I just think its too much like a infomercial.
They are in the biz.,nice people,and trying to make a buck. So i wish them good luck.
As far as why this board gets as meny hits as it dose, is because its a free for all.
If someone posts something that another disagrees with, that person will post so.
I like that, you learn.
LEARNING IS THE KEY. I know what brand of chems do what[some] but knowing whats in that brand that makes it do, what it dose, makes all the deffrence.
simply put, i learn more here then most any other board, and the MFG. of the products here,tell you more about cleaning then "just use xxxxxxxxx to clean it".
Im trying to help the other board, not hurt it, thats why i posted here. thanks SCOTT & RON
Ron, We promote the products that we know work from the experence we have. Would you recommend something you have not tried. Whenever you descide to try our chemicals you will find out yourself as many have found out. Can you name just one company that would overnight a $40.00 order of chemicals at a cost of $99.00 and pay for it out of their own pocket? I did just that a few weeks ago. Name another company that would ship chemicals without payment first, I did that with over $1200.00 worth of chemicals a few weeks back. I have even shipped products out of the country without payment first. Yes we are trying to sell products but how do you explain all of the phone calls I have received at my expence on helping with problems that I did not sell anything to. I just paid over $450.00 in phone bills for one month. If you want to help us please be like Paul Harvey and tell "the rest of the story"
I am sure that Ron P. was just using that as an example why this board works so well. It is the free exchange of information that is lacking on most other boards. I can understand why you would post using your chemicals, and I think you would be foolish to not say which of your chemicals would work. I have never used them, so I don't know if you are speaking off of the top of your head, or if they actually are great Chem's. That is jsut my opinion, of course.
So in my opinion, What makes it work, the anything goes atmosphere, and the willingness to share information. That there is little censorship and that the members of the board basically behave themselves in order to assure that there is little or no censorship.
Why do some people troll the boards and not contribute. They are either afraid they don't understand the industry well enough to share what knowledge they have, or they feel that someone might use the internet to hack their computer to get their customer list. They feel that if you don't know they are there, that you can't get into their computer. Another thing is that a contractor that I know actually gave up on posting on the boards because he felt that there were too many people that were super unprofessional, and that most of them could not compose a proper sentence, and he got tired of deciphering what they were writing. A loss for sure because he was really knowledgeable.. I still get a call or e-mail form him every once in a while if there is some info that he needs that he thinks that I might have.
Of course, there are a few intellectually challenged people that feel that they might be giving up a competitive advantage by posting. That is a shame, but you can't help someone whos' head is stuck in the sand.

Scott Stone

I knew you would take offence and not get the jist of what i was saying. I also did not mention any names.
What i was saying is, people asking questions want multiable ans. not just use this or that.
I dont like to talk to people that post on your site for fear of offending you or glenn by telling people what i use. I dont want to hurt your biz.,and i dont want to piss you off.
You may have the best stuff in the world but im never going to know. Cant afford to find out.
Still consider you a good inter net buddy but im going to lay low on your site and see what happens.
Good luck and have a good summer.
Scott thanks for the help and soory if my bumbling of words has come to the point of making people leave.
I think im just going to be a LURKER for a while.
Hey Ron P.,
I could not agree with you more. I know exactly what your saying and it makes perfect sense. Steven and Glenn should not take offense to what you said.

I'm sure there chemicals work fine because they wouldn't sell them if they didn't. On the other hand they may not get into a discussion about how great another chemical works because they don't sell it. That makes sense because there is no money it for them. Thats Business.

The beauty of this BB is like Scott/Ron and others have stated in the past is that its an open forum to discuss any item not just Items that a certain company sells.

That is why I rate this bb #1 in the Powerwash Industry with Dans bb #2. All the others are far behind including Delco's(Mainly because there so outdated with there site.)

For Wood Restoration- Deckcare Rules and Gutter Cleaning-Guttersource takes the cake. These are sites that don't push there products which is what I like.
Ron, I just have trouble trying to figure you out. You have told many people in the past to call me and i do appreciate that but then again you have never used anything I sell. Like I have told you in the past I have extended credit to several people on the boards so you really had no reason not to try anything. I just can not afford to give samples away. I used to do that but due to lack of appreciation I have stopped doing that. Some people apparently were not taught to say thanks when something was given to them. I can only help those who truely want to help themselves. One last thought. If you need finicial advise who would you seek it from, a rich man or a poor man? The same goes for this business, you ask someone who has been there not someone that is trying to find the way.
everyone knows I'll give anyone a product away. give give give, if i have a good product i give you one, then your a crack addict because you need more. Gotcha.....$$$$$$$$$$$

Steven, i like you and i dont mean to offend you just show you that we all have different opinions.

I dont even agree with Scott most of the time. we are still friends and i'm postitive he doesnt agree with me...LOL most of the time..

anyway, good luck and learn from this post,,, find out what make the BBS work,,, this one is working ,just ask ?????????

i have many people i cant stand on this BBS... Jon a good friend of mine and sometimes he can really tick me off.
I still like Jon!!!!!!

those i cant stand i have learned fro them as much as i have learn from those i respect. Believe me not many liked ron marshal but he told it like its was. LOL I liked that guy!!!!!

if We are Number 1 and you where two i would expect you would try to be catching our heels. I would think you would expect the same from me. if you say we are not competing i would say thank goodness becasue you ust made my job easier. LOL

I like the forums Online,, all of them. i post on them all and will continue toooooo.

one day things in this industry will change.....
Ron Musgraves, the last post was directed at RON P. not you. Why would I be offended? We are not competing against any board. We just wanted a board where we could give and share information with people that want to learn without the childish comments from others ( not from you or others on this board). I was shocked that the person that trash mouthed me joined our board, go figure that one out. Of coarse we would like people to buy from us, we don't try to hide anything. When you do a cleaning job aren't you trying to make money? Just ask anyone that has done business with us. I do have one question though, if you are not trying to benifet from this board why are you concerned whose board is more popular? What difference does it make? Life is too short for me to worry about such things.
Ron P. don't hide, lurk or whatever you desire to call it, post as you say things others want to hear, if you run and hide we all miss out on your experiences.

Ron M. Thanks, there is a Melting Pot opening up an hour or so from me soon!! HINT HINT LOL.

Steve and GLenn, you have not pushed your products on me and that makes your board nice to go to. Heck Steven has not even replied to my Email about a couple of them yet, well Steven?

Now what makes a good board, the PEOPLE. Ok a very few are bad but we have dealt with them and on once case he is turning out to be a great contributor to the board, not often, not many words but good stuff all the same.

Ron Marshall, yeah he was a jerk at times, ran on and on and on like I do but worst. Sure glad he is gone:)

I try to not hate anyone, ever but that does not mean I have to like them either, live and let live I say, to each his own.

As Scott said what makes a good board, being open, NO CENSORSHIP.

ron p

steven the heading of this thread is What makes up a good BBS.
I was just trying to HELP as i have done so in the past. Im not bad mouthing anything.
You post to people use xxxxxx and thats it.
You [in my opinion] should post "How to clean it" then YOUR recommended product to use.
That way we ALL learn.
That is ALL that i was trying to HELP you with. You could cut your phone bill way down if more people learned HOW,not just WHAT.
Your not going to get people that have good info that sell stuff come to your BBS because they dont want to hurt your biz. So we loose there input.
Without more professionals on your site it will be a second rate board.
you,I,we dont want that.
If someone has 20 min to spend on a computer, Where do they go? Dont you want that to be you?
Dont know why you think im out to get you?
Ive done nothing but help you and have asked for nothing. JON thanks
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Jon said:

Ron M. Thanks, there is a Melting Pot opening up an hour or so from me soon!! HINT HINT LOL.

Geez......he said he liked you..........that doesnt mean he could stand to share a meal with you! LOL
Ron P. Let me put this in terms you can relate to. Lets say you were cleaning a house for someone as you do and I stopped by and told the homeowner that they should use a bucket and brush with a garden hose to wash it themselves, how would you like it. You are out trying to make a living part time where selling chemicals and cleaning are my full time job. Do you tell your customers to call someone else, I think not. As for the comment about Ron Strickland. Ron and I do business with each other so I don't think he is offended, just call and ask him. I tell people all of the time that Gutter Zap is a good product I used to buy it, just that it cost more. We started our board for our customers and future customers and are very up front about that. Sure someone else might be a dollar or two less that us but we offer the customer service that others don't. Value and the cheapest price are not the same thing. You lost me on how you think you are helping me. I can help you if you give me a list of other power washers in your neighborhood that charge less than you, do you see what I mean?
Mike Hughes said:

Geez......he said he liked you..........that doesnt mean he could stand to share a meal with you! LOL

Truth be told Mike we have shared a few meals together and NO we don't talk shop.

Besides it is my turn to treat Ron and Julie for a dinner.

Mike I have a big heart and share it with others. To much sometimes but I'm just a good natured guy.

For those that truly enjoy a good meal if there is a Melting Pot Fondue Restaurant near you go, you will find it a totally different yet delightful experience. Word of advice, not for those on a budget.

Well said Jon. People are what makes a good BBS and there are certainly alot of good people here and I don't disagree with Ron M that this is the best BBS. Hell, I'm just glad he finally let me post here and become a member. As far as who likes who, I like everybody. Most of you are like family to me.
Now, with that said I'll ad this: as far as color coordination and originality, I think Dan's board takes the cake! Talk about a customized vBulletin. Ron, that doesn't mean I think you need to take a course in interior decorating.... I didn't say that, or did I? I'll have to re-read my post. Sometimes I have to do that alot because some posts can be taken more than one way. Lighten up Ron P., I like you too Buddy.
Hello everyone,,,,,

I want to have the best BBS as you would want to have the best one if you could. Wouldn’t anyone????

I compete with everything I do. That’s just my nature, I strive to be the best pressure washer and I believe by my standards I ‘am.

as far as the scenery of this bbs that’s up to the members. I have done enough with this BBS. I spend time here more than any other person. I pay the bills and I will continue to do so.

My record only shows that I help people all the time, I spend double what some of you spend on phone calls helping people and stand no way to gain this money back. This is the way I pay the industry back for the dollars it has given me. I have everything in life I need and I enjoy helping others.

My answer would be that if you were here to learn and watch, welcome. If you want to participate that’s great too. If you want to go the extra mile then I believe that you will receive your rewards ten fold.

I think that people with professional attitudes make good BBS. I believe the right format makes a good BBS.

Glen, I glad you finally Joined. Thanks for saying we are # 1. This BBS belongs to you and Steven for as long as you guy want. Advertise here as much as your heart desires. Use the mailing list all you want, cant steal our members they don’t belong to anyone but them selves.

I invite any distributor or contractor to this BBS, I really wish others would invite folks. I know some do and I really appreciate when people tell me they found out from members.
Hears my reasons why this is a successful BBS. We all can professionally criticize and disagree with one another and still remain friends.

Scott makes some good points as well as the others. I believe the real difference is that I can disagree with my friends and still remain friends. When I say something that someone doesn’t agree with they tell me. I can take being criticized. I don’t rule this BBS with and iron fist and say what I say goes. Others may speak freely about any thing I say everyone has and opinion and I don’t care if it differs from mine.

Have fun and posts if you want…. Watch if you want I don’t really care. I do want our BBS to be the best.