What is the best form of advertising?

No ad is better than the house you just cleaned. All the neighbors know what it looked like before you cleaned it, so they will appreciate the job you did. Placing a high-quality yard sign for a few days, I have found, will bring immediate results. (Ask about any neighborhood restrictions or some zealot may steal your sign!)

I did this when I first started and it really helped, though I did lose a few.
Great point, John. The yard sign alone is great..........but if you do a direct mailer or door hangers at the same time to go with it, you will probably get even better results.
The last job you cleaned:D and pounding the pavement for new leads..
Networking! Home Builders association or BNI groups are an excellent way to build a client base and the perks that you receive as a member pay for membership, even in the highly unlikely event you didn't get any work.

A yard sign on every job. I also drop flyers/door hangers on all the surrounding homes.

I'm still believe that Yellow Pages is very important in advertisement.
Direct mailing postcards. I have had outstanding results from them
go to
www.postcardmania.com They are out of FL and ask for Don, he specializes in mailings for hood cleaners and pressure washing companies.Tell them I sent you and he will hook you up.