What is considered average house?

Andy Hinson

New member
I understand about learning as you go. I cleaned my first roof Saturday, Sunday, today. Actually I only cleaned the front half of the roof with 40 gal. of mix. and ran out. thought I had good coverage. Sunday morning there were places that looked like I missed them. I went back up with 10 gal. Monday morning a couple smaller spots. Monday I finished. I have read where 40 gal. should clean an average roof. I thought I had one. Ranch style home, 2100 sg.ft. 12/5 pitch. the area I cleaned was 1700 sq.ft. Took about 60 gal. My roof is 20 yrs old and is fixing to be replaced. I was cleaning the front to get some pictures.
1700sqft should take anywhere from 20-35 gallons depending on how extensive the coverage is. Definately dont feel bad about using too much on your first one, it takes a while to learn to cover the roof evenly and w/ minimal run off.

An average house is different for everyone. The average house we clean is 4000 sqft, but we target bigger homes so we dont have to do as many. :) And a 4000sqft house takes us anywhere between 40-70 gallons. On rare occasions it has taken more.
Like what Scott said, every house is different, the levels of dirty are different for each house, the climate, etc... too many variables to consider but figure out around 30-70 gallons per house to be safe in case you need extra coats.

I take the bulk chems on the trailer and mix what I need as the chems will degrade quick.

Good Luck.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Low Pressure Roof Cleaning Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Shingle Roof Washing and Tile Roof Washing Corpus Christi Texas