What has happened to PWI

Mark 8262

Residential and Commercial Pressure Washing Specia
I have only been participating in PWI since last November and I'm sure most of you have no clue who I am. I don't say a lot, but try to help when I can. When I first found this site I thought it was great. I learned a lot and thought it was a great learning and teaching tool.

The last few months there has been as much bitching and moaning as learning and teaching. It appears as if many have lost sight of the objective of this site. I find it hard to believe that everyone is happy with the way things are going.

I think we need to turn back the clock and return to being a teaching/learning and networking site, which I think was probably the original intent.

Just my thoughts for the day

Have a good & safe evening.
Mark like you I am new to the site since last August or so.... From last summer to about January I was in here everyday reading and learning. From pressure washing to marketing it was truly a blessing. I wish it would go back to that ..........between this site , pt state, roof cleaning forum a man could really learn alot. I still pick up knowledge but its no where like it was.
The site will change, it was set up to have its members run it. Members now feel like change is needed. Its good you offered your opionion, most sites dont allow you to have and opionion. If you argue agaist them your gone.

So PWI remains to pretty much speak freely, dont harm or attack anyone with malice intentions.

Other than that specifically is a thread troubling you? ( if its Tony Scott might Bann or ban him later tonight. )

We have Staff members that should take care of things.....
( if its Tony Scott might Bann or ban him later tonight. )

That would be a loss and for no reason I can see
I don't want Tony or anyone else bann..........Just wish the guys would go back to talking shop.
When someone bann's someone remember that our nation was founded on amendments......And the first one is the right to free speech. If Tony or someone else bothers another person don't read it. Real easy...... When I came on this site everyone was after the apple who was bann......Its free speech if you don't like what you read don't read it.....or post your own opinion.
Things on all the BB's usually go in waves, some waves last longer than others

This year has been a little more than others I think some has to do with the economy, some will always have to do hearing all the same stuff over and over. All I can say, we'll see what the next wave will bring. If its a good wave, we'll all hang 10 and have a good ride, if its a bad wave we will crash for a while

Life is good
King Surfer Dude lol
This is one of the best industry boards on the internet. This board has become what it is based on contractors caring about other contractors and not being selfish with what they know.

Sometimes that means bringing attention to negative factors affecting the industry or infiltrating the industry. It's not all about equipment.

It will get back to normal. Hopefully soon.
This is one of the best industry boards on the internet. This board has become what it is based on contractors caring about other contractors and not being selfish with what they know.

Sometimes that means bringing attention to negative factors affecting the industry or infiltrating the industry. It's not all about equipment.

It will get back to normal. Hopefully soon.

Ask Shelly for a hug:D
I say, lets bring back the garage cleaning forum by Scott Stone. That way I won't have to spend so much time on the phone helping people. I can do it on the forum where EVERYONE can see and learn instead of just a selective few.


Ya those were the good old days !
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That would be a lot of typing Jim, you are probably better off just answering the phone and talking, easier to talk than type a lot of times.
I have only been participating in PWI since last November and I'm sure most of you have no clue who I am. I don't say a lot, but try to help when I can. When I first found this site I thought it was great. I learned a lot and thought it was a great learning and teaching tool.

The last few months there has been as much bitching and moaning as learning and teaching. It appears as if many have lost sight of the objective of this site. I find it hard to believe that everyone is happy with the way things are going.

I think we need to turn back the clock and return to being a teaching/learning and networking site, which I think was probably the original intent.

Just my thoughts for the day

Have a good & safe evening.
There's a season for everything, it appears real tame to me. There is still alot of good info being passed it's just delivered in a manner you don't like (at least now) but regardless still good info.

or....you can go here and see what arguing really is.

No, I mean this one

Parking Garage Cleaning with Scott Stone.Scott has had 20 years experience in the garage cleaning field. He is here to help. Post your questions here. 225

You know... like yours:

This forum is dedicated to the cleaning of commercial and industrial property management . Strip malls, Large commercial flatwork, shopping centers, sidewalks, City parks and properties ect.... Moderated by Russ Spence, Ron Musgraves and Nick Campanale, learn from contractors with combined a combined experience of over 50 years in the pressure cleaning field.
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How about people just putting your name in the title of each question they have? Your name would get a lot of web hits and views. You could probably get famous like that guy Tim the Builder. hahahahaha
There's a season for everything, it appears real tame to me. There is still alot of good info being passed it's just delivered in a manner you don't like (at least now) but regardless still good info.

or....you can go here and see what arguing really is.

I've found a new home!:p:cool: