What do you use to track information?

What tracking methods do you use? Multiple choices allowed

  • Palm Pilot in truck

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Pocket PC in truck

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Laptop in the truck

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Phone and messaging system in the truck

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Internet access in the truck

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • Daytimer or similar

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • GPS

    Votes: 16 34.8%

  • Total voters

Scott Stone

New member
What methods to you use to track customer information on jobsites? This is a poll that I am interested in.

Scott Stone
I have a laptop and a printer in my van,i use ACT to manage my contacts and keep up with updated info.

every morning i open my daily calender and i have names and phone numbers of contacts and prospects i need to follow up with.
I have my laptop in my truck with Quickbooks Pro and ServiceCEO ( www.insightdirect.com ). I use Microsoft Outlook for vendor contact info, emails, and calendar.

I have a pocket pc for deck estimates (I enter the measurements directly into an excel spreadsheet).

I also carry my Nextel phone, to which all of my calls are forwarded.

And I have wireless internet access in the truck from Sprint PCS. Speeds are about 230K.........not bad for wireless.
American Express Day Planner. I lost both of my last 2 Palm Pilots.
We use a combination of a Day Timer & Microsoft Outlook. We have a pocket PC but rarely use it. I would however like to get a laptop one of theese days.
Bob Warfield
Laptop with wifi internet on a network with my office and sales person.

QB Preimer for accounting, MS outlook for calendar, MS streets and Trips w/gps for driving directions.

Printer is a Cannon 1p90 very small and very reliable, can be made Blue Tooth with $80 card.

I would never go back to paper, it's too much work and a waste of time
We use most of the above plus ACT database for project management... It will track the projects through the phases. Great program for less than 200 bucks.

If anyone wants to see a demo of it, I will have it on my laptop in Phoenix.

I use a planner and a pencil .. then laptop with internet in the truck.. all my contacts are programed in my CELLPHONE... Thats it..

Be careful with the contacts in the phone. I used to do that. Had my pics, contacts, future jobs, estimates.. just about everything in my phone until it fried on me. Its amazing what a world of hurt a bucket of SH can do on your business if you drop your phone in it.
I agree with Russ, I use a notebook however it is a 5 subject and divided for different sectors of potential and current customers. I also use a small spreadsheet for pricing, service intervals, as well as last service date.