What Do you love about pressure washing??????

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
What Do you love about pressure washing??????

I saw a thread On PWN and it’s a thread about what you hate about PW. http://www.powerwashnetwork.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4362

David S. reply about Employees really got me, he’s right employees take the cake.
The employee thing can really be a drag. People are very unpredictable?????

I had a horrible experience last night with an 8-year veteran. I ‘m not going to bore you with the details of this one.

I wanted to be more positive-----

I really enjoy the selling and the coordinating people to make money. I love writing on this BBS and I enjoy the folks in this business. We are all real people with families working hard every day. I like taking my children to work and showing them what I do. I enjoy having successful people around me to make me look good. LOL

Eighteen years of hard work and finally theirs light at the end of the tunnel. Its kind of looking back at your high school days and saying if I only knew then what I know now.

Pressure washing and easy business to get into but not so easy to stay in.

I wouldn’t trade my wand for any job right now, sure there are times when we all say I’m done. Then reality soaks in and you say it could be worse. I may never become a millionaire in this business but I do work hard everyday and I love what I do.

Top it all off eighteen years later when that customer signs on the dotted line I get excited!!!!!!!
I guess that’s the drug that keeps me going… Money helps but it really can’t make you happy.

For the record I really hate when you’re in a dump-ster and someone has excreted and it flies back up in your hair & face. (that really stinks)))

Share something that’s happened in your life that’s been Positive??? ANYONE (anything)
Glad to see this thread got changed, cause to tell you the truth the original thread kinda pissed me off, you know what no matter how much hard work I put in, I can always roll up and get to my sons Baseball game, thats the beauty.
With the 8 & 9 year olds I've always found screaming BASSSEBAALLL READYYY works real well, especially for the outfielders.
gosh Luckyboy dat sun coming up most have done something to ya brain,ya done told him ifen ya read between the lines....you know feed ya,cloth ya,send ya to school and what do you learn,sorry that information is confidential....lol ragman.

I just love the FREE time off from pressure washing,dat when LOVE it the best.

Share something that’s happened in your life that’s been Positive???
I was born
We love knowing that at the end of the day our business is doing well and the customer's are happy. We feel good about being able to provide others with a means of income. We feel good about the sun on our backs and the mist from the washer in the air. And when you are dog tired and sore, you know that you did it for your business and not for someone else's business.

Looking back and seeing the growth and the demand, you feel good about being busy, so busy that folks may not wait for you, but then you also feel challenged to hire more people to secure the business.

We feel good when people like our ads, our name etc...
I enjoyed being able to go out and make a living with out the worry about being employed by large corporation and being possibly laid off without much of a notice at any time.

I had several accounts that were to be cleaned every month and a few others that I would pick up along the way. So, my outlook was if I lost one for whatever reason I still had others to carry me through to meet my bills. the cash flow was good

Entrepreneurship such as the pressure cleaning business enables one to not depend on money coming in from one source only. if you are working for a company and your job is terminated you can be in a disastrous situation. it will take you a long time to put your resume out, go for the interview, get hired, get on the payroll and finally get the finances rolling again.

scheduling flexibility of work is another good thing...if the weather was going to be bad I usually had a understanding with the customer that the work would be done within a three night window of time. this also gave me some room in case the equipment went down.

after a while you find out that pay day instead of being every week or every other week when you are working for someone else sometimes will end up being every other day. Was always a good thing to go to the mailbox and find another check has come in. sometimes, one of those little cash jobs never hurt my feelings either..........Dan
OOhh, a bad day to hit me with this one.

What I like about pressure washing.

1. The days when I get a written attaboy from a customer, Unsolicited, of course
2. The days when other peole get mad because they see that I make a decent living doing something they would not want to.
3. Whenever some one says, wow, I did not know a white truck can look that good.
4. Whenever someone says, you are the most reliable company we have ever had. You always show up.

I think Big Boy hit the nail on the head when he said the free time off. I love being able to spend alot of time wiht my kids and wife. thats what life is all about, Family
Outlaw why would the original thread piss ya off ?
You dont need to suck up to Ron >>>

YA dont like much about pwn huh?

I THought Dans thrread was a neat idea >> and check it out it's here but one word has changed>> BUt you liked it better b/c Ron typed it > get a life < Rons poop isnt made outa GOLD >>>>


JUst have a lil Fun Ron NO iM not mad @ ya or outlaw >>>>>
Dan mate, the only ass I kiss is my ole ladys, but that convo is for a different forum, the reason I did nt like the other thread is cause I dont like negative things, It's hard enough making a living without coming home and reading all the things that already piss you off about the job, but thats just me, to some maybe its a nice release. As for the PWN, I love it, I go to all the bbs and get great info off them all, to tell the truth I think you just like to bitch, You were at it last weekend and now again, whats the deal?
Dan We love PWN,, you seem to have this defense thing going on. Please stop it!!!!!!

Get off the your Kick about Dan Flynn, its over and we all have moved on. I like PWN and the contributions I made for two years on that BBS… the other thing is that I continue to make contribution to the entire industry. Pardon me for saying this Dan but you’re stuck on one thing… protecting Dan’s BBS. He doesn’t need it and I don’t either. I’m asking you Dan please stay out of these threads if you think the intentions are suppose to be something else. I simply just wanted to make a positive thread and not a negative one. ( I wasn’t implying that Dan Flynns was) so drop it…….

Dan if you’re going to post here in this thread lets remember the topic. Maybe the only thing you’re enjoying is defending Dan about his BBS over another. Please respond only if you’re going to share what you like about this business. Use the e-mail next time you need to talk about PWN.

I promote that site more than anyone has probably ever had. Dan Flynns even admits that he has never heard anyone tell him that I have talked badly about him or his site. So stop making my personal threads turn into a SOAPBOX.