What Distributors do you Buy from?

Top 5 over past year (based on $ amount spent):

1- Envirospec
2- Pressure Tek
3- PWP
4- Higher Power Supplies
5- Southside Equipment
(less than 1% locally)
In no particular order.
Bob at http://www.pressuretek.com/

Russ at http://www.pressurewasherky.us/

PWP at <CITE>www.pressurewasherproducts.com/ </CITE>
<CITE>It's rare that I buy anything locally, for a couple of reasons. One is that the prices are through the roof and two, they usually have no Idea what I am talking about!</CITE>

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Hows Lori Doing?

I was wondering if they where still around, have not heard much about them since Tampa.
Hows Lori Doing?

I was wondering if they where still around, have not heard much about them since Tampa.

They are doing fine as far as I know.. Atleast they are when I buy something from them!!