What did you Give this Year!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I spent the Day with my 2 year old CJ. We woke up and opened her presents, spent three hours watching Spongebob while putting bikes and play houses together. In between I started four lap tops my wife bought all the kids.
I stuffed the turkey for my oldest who made dinner. Traded that to go with old freind with no family to the new sherlockholmes movie. My 16 year old ryan went, invited buddy back to the house to have dinner.

All in all I got a Hat, no sock or underwear. I gave a bit of my time today to all the kids and will spend the day with oldest daughter. She moves out to go to college Jan 5th. So I'm giving her the entire day Sat, told her i would get her and Iphone so she could stay in touch. She is only moving over to the other side of phx. I still wont see her everyday, she will be missed because she does all the grocery shopping. The cool thing is I will have a room for my own little hobbies. LOL

I would say the most improtant thing is Time, if I give time its alway the best gift. Everyone wins, i'm glad my kids are happy with all the material things but truly happy they are all healthy and safe tonight.

Merry New Year
Well lets see.. Gave my daughter an Ipod Touch , and we stayed up all night downloading Itunes and Apps.... Gave my wife Diamond Earrings and a new cd stereo with a Ipod dock ... I think they were happy .. I also gave the rest of the family a little money.. But what I got back for Christmas was the best gift of all .. I got to see everyone smile and have a great time.. Oh yeah and also my official NO Saints Drew Brees Jersey .. It was a great Christmas... Hope everyon had a great christmas too..
I gave all 4 of my kids R/T Airfare to anywhere in the U.S. and a AMEX gift card good for anything they want. My grand kid's well all I can say is what didnt they get !! LOL, Last year we took the whole family to NYC for a week and we got to see the whole family, I miss that this year, but way to exspensive to do every year.

Going up to NY the end of Jan so I will catch up with family then, Hope everyone has a GREAT and Prosporus NEW YEAR !!
Well lets see my son opened enough presents that I now need an addition on the house. I flew my family to Chicago Christmas day for a white Christmas so my son could see his grandfather and snow!

The Special trip to Grandpa's House
My son had been very sick the past 2 weeks and was feeling better yesterday, weak but better so I picked him up from his mom's house and we drove around looking at Christmas lights and then came home to open up his presents. He got everything on his list and more and that really cheered him up a lot!

He started to play with his new games and toys besides his Yu-Gi-O cards and was just smiling the whole time! I am glad that he is so very happy!

We just spent time together but then he was getting sleepy and wanted to go home so he can sleep and take more medicine.

I told him that work had been slow this last part of the year but I am trying harder and harder to get work so we can go and do more things together.

I am blessed, he is such a great kid, I love him more than anything in the whole world! We had a great day yesterday.
Went an seen my Kids. After the divorce it has been hard for them. I see them 3-4 times a week. I bought both of them Acer One laptops. Play the Wii all day with them. My son got me a golf coffee mug. I dont like either, but he put alot of thought it and used his own money. My daughter gave me a tin of all kinds of candy. Those were the best gifts I have ever received. I will use that coffe mug til the day I die. I miss and love my kids so much. My daughter cried when she opened up the laptop. She was txting me til 11:00 lastnight and tell me to go to youtube and read her stories ( small books ) she wrote and posted already. You guys can check it out and read them. Its for teenage girls mainly. But she will get a kick out of all the channel views she would get. Just search gotjonas24.
Got my two daughters a Wii and a bunch of games and accessories. They haven't stopped playing yet! I am starting to get a little hooked on it myself. Merry Christmas everyone and may God bless us all.
I got a few hours with my kids Tuesday.There weren't a lot of gift,but we had fun and what they got they were happy with.
I got a new knive(much needed) and clothes.Angela got a hair straightener,make-up case and clothes.We got a new microwave(the old one caught fire a few weeks ago) from her youngest and her parents gave us a new toaster oven.
My wife takes gift giving to a high art. We sonsired. White elephant gift exchange for her family. About 30 people all told. I think the least expensive gidt was about $35 and the most expensive was $90. There were things like a portable fire pit, a DVD player with the 7" screen, and two of those electric jeeps. Every present was on a par with those things. The little kids had a blast stealing bosses gifts...that's me, and the parents who are struggling were grateful that their little ones got some nice gifts for Christmas. Well worth the money for me.
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I gave all 4 of my kids R/T Airfare to anywhere in the U.S. and a AMEX gift card good for anything they want. My grand kid's well all I can say is what didnt they get !! LOL, Last year we took the whole family to NYC for a week and we got to see the whole family, I miss that this year, but way to exspensive to do every year.

Going up to NY the end of Jan so I will catch up with family then, Hope everyone has a GREAT and Prosporus NEW YEAR !!

I will go back home after the First...