What did you do on your summer vacation?/Leisure Time?


Well, I fished some with the kids. Managed to get swimming at the lake a few times. Looking forward to the fair this week. Got rabbit pens built for the girls-
4H club. Had 2 lawnmowers Poop out on me! Spent a week waiting for parts for the truck, then two days repairing it :mad: . :D Actually lost some weight in the summer heat. Attended Little League day with my son and the boys at the NYSEG Stadium,Home of the B-Mets.Sister is getting married AGAIN!
You think they would learn the first time.
Niece is getting married. All in All I lead a fairly boaring exsistane. :rolleyes:

OK So what did you and yours do this summer?
Hope its more exciting then it has been around here.
Post something interesting so that I may live vicarously through you.
Embellishment would be a plus.LOL

Hope everyone has had a happy healthy and productive Summer. :)

Going to post a couple of pics as soon as I downsize them.
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Well come on, lets hear it!
OK, but you asked for it! From winter through present got in 2 backpacking/fishing trips with various family members to Idaho Selway-Bitteroot and central Colorado wilderness areas. Visited friends in California, family in Las Vegas and Hawaii, and scuba diving in oz off Cairns. Eat your heart out!
Pictures RJ Pictures man!
Lets see. :)

WOW. Maybe I shouldnt have asked.
But what the hell- keep the stories coming.

I should mention .I,ve done the Idaho thing, the Colorado thing, the
Montanna thing, Etc. Just not this year.
Oh I,ve been to Missouri to, the "Show me state" thus lets see the pics.

Scuba diving. Never did that. Sounds kinda spooky. Sharks Baracuda
and whatever else is lurking down there.
Forgot about several days in Dallas, 2 or 3 trips to Portland, and a visit to a town I haven't seen in more than 40 years - Hebo, Oregon. This semi-retirement is great! Don't know how to introduce pics - perhaps I'll slow down enough this winter to learn.
We don't get vacations here in Illinois! Just working ones :D

I needed to get out of the house for awhile. So I went with my son for a few days. He drives this truck a few days each week. Had a load of donuts going to Florida and a load of biscuits coming back.

We had to wait for the backhaul so we visited the USS Alabama in Mobile.

I had some good quality time with him. Good to be back home though!

Dave Olson
I will try one more time to load a picture!


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    Mike n Dave trip Aug 04 36 sml.jpg
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Thats a mighty big boat. Mmmmmm I wonder who cleans the hoods in those things?
Sorry, grease is my life.
i bought a new boat,spent most of my summer visiting the nearby lakes and trying out the ocean in sc,and a lot of womanizing.
Kids at the falls. :) Summer time exploration.


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Geese on one of the nearby lakes.
There are so many lakes and ponds in NE Pennsylvania, its one of the best places for fishing on earth. Almost Heaven.
They say Minnesota is the land of ten thousand lakes.
Bet they have never been to Pennsylvania. :)


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The boy fishing at a different lake.
Got some fish pics if you want to see them.
I was going to post more but it gets corny after awhile. :D


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Vacations in Summer ????????????????

I dont know about you guys but here in Maryland, we do not take vacations in Summer. I will give ya a report sometime in January. Thinking about the carribiean...........Hell, this is the 5th week in row working seven. Wish I had a vacation.....
Busy is good. When your children are as young as mine are you have to slow down and take some time out for them.
Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes. No exaggeration - I once lived there (in the fifties). Fishing in Penn may be good, but it has insurmountable problem - too many people. In remote wilderness areas of the N/west and BC one can spend the entire summer without encountering another person. You would change your mind in a hurry about the best fishing. The best and wildest fishing on earth? Probably S island New Zealand S of Queenstown. Took our son there when he was as young as yours and he has never forgotten it. Pics are breathtaking - hope I learn to post pics.
Rj- We have many lakes here where there is not a house or a cabin on them.One could spend a day on the lake and never see another person.Besides dont they talk funny in Minnesota? lol.
And yes 10,000 lakes [typo]
Kids and wife.Cooling off from the summer heat.


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That photo reminds me of a place called Rockton Mountain. Outside of Clearfield. Am I right ?
I will jump in late.
We spent a week in Washington DC. Took the whole family, and improved the local economy. We all had a blast, and visited a lot of different things, and did not get all of them done. We hit gettysburg and williamsburg, Annapolis, and the Mall. Mind you, my wife and one of my sons had pneumonia for most of the trip, so we had to be a little more low key than we typically are. Usually when the Stone's are on vacation, everyone hears it for miles around.
Two weeks after DC we went on our traditional family vacation to San Diego. This one I fly back and forth on. That was a lot of fun as well, we just chilled on the beach.
I also spent a couple of days on Boy scout trips, etc.
Right now, I do not know what the next adventure is going to be. Possibly Mexico, and maybe a scout trip or two.

Scott Stone
Scott, We have been to DC, Also had field trip to Gettysburg this year,I had forgotten
about that until reading your post.Small world.You drove all the way from Zona to Pennsylvania? sheeeesh.
Its funny -we have all of these historical tourist traps here within a few hours drive and we will pack it up and head to another tourist trap at a unreasonable distance away. lol
I guess thats the point of vacation exploration and a change of scenery.