What are you Thankful for?

Daniel H

New member
A short video of what I am most thankful for, when I made this video I sat thought what am I thankful for? The 1st thing that popped in my head was my job but the more I thought about it my job is really low on my list cause with out the 4 things in this video my job would be useless!
Awesome video Daniel.

I know without my God,wife and kids I would be an empty shell.I'm thankful that I'm granted each everything breath I take with them.No amount of money can replace the joy each gives me in life.
I'm thankful for our health and our families health.Angela's dad had a major right brain stroke 6 weeks ago and walked away with no side effects.My dad has been fighting prostate cancer for about 6 months and found out last week he is now cancer free.
I could careless that business has been rough this year.We'll recover and grow and I could really careless what other outside of my family think of me.Yes I'm out spoken and brutally honest to a fault,but the people who matter to me the most admire those traits.
God has blessed me with so much and I can never express how much those blessings mean.
My list is too long, and would inconvenience far too many electrons to complete it. I can give a short list though.
1. Life. I love my life. It sucks sometimes when I am at the end of a 20 hour day, but, it sure beats the alternative, and I am still able to do them, though I admit, that they are not as east as they used to be.
2. My wife. She is the one that keeps me centered, and is my biggest advocate, and critic, when needed. She is really the one that makes it worth coming home, every day.
3. My kids. They rock, and any parent would be proud to have them.
4. My business. It is successful, it provides for all of my families needs, and most of their wants, with money to bless the lives of others.
5. Though I am listing this fifth, it is by no means the fifth most important thing, person, or entity, depending on your view. It is probably the most important. God, and the blessings he provides for me, and my family, amazes me.
There should never be a doubt, family always comes first. When all else fails you always have people who love and care for you, I wish that for everyone this Thanksgiving!!
First and foremost above all else I am Thankful to the Lord above for sending me an Angel to save my life. Without my wife I would not be here to make this post. I'm sure of it.

Second thing I am most grateful for is the family and good friends I have including all of you here on the BB's. You all have become like family to me and I am grateful for all the knowledge and support that I have gained here.

Last but not least I am grateful for having a thriving business that is doing pretty well. There are times when it could always be doing better but with the top two things in my life and by the grace of God and all those whom I know who have past on and are by his side watching over us we will always make it.

:grinning-moose: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!! :wave:
Great video Daniel, you have a great family and they look happy.

I am thankful for my family, my friends (a lot on the bbs's) and for GOD giving me the strength to get through the bad times (real bad time here lately but am getting through it) and for my son not needing another surgery like he needed the past 2 years (3 surgeries last year and 1 the year before for the same medical condition).

I am thankful for the great people here that offer advice, take my phone calls and help with the many, many questions I ask so I learn more to build my business, NCE and PWI and Ron Musgraves for helping others out there to assist them with putting on the Round Tables around the country, without all this I am sure that I would not be in business right now.

Things are getting better most days and there is a light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel is full of grease from those trucks right not but I am cleaning it as I go, hahaha) and things are better and better.

Thanks Everyone!
I'm most thankful for my wife and daughters without them there's nothing else that really matters.

I think about your Kids running all over the place at the florida meeting. I was missing mine at the time but remember them well.

Great Kids Greg