What are some of your favorite smart phone apps and why!


I will be getting a smart phone this week and I am wondering about some of the .5 million or more apps that are out there.

I know that some of you use tapatalk to post from the smart phones which is a cool app to have, I wonder what other apps out there are good for business, and which ones are good for personal stuff.

I have not decided on the I Phone or the Droid but I am leaning towards the I Phone right now and I really like that cube device to use credit cards, that would be really great out in the field when customers decide to pay with credit cards at the last minute.

Let's hear some of your favorite apps for your smart phones and why you like them.

I love pandora radio, HBO GO, Flashlight, ESPN score center, Angry Birds, Lotto Picks, Google, Facebook, NFL scores, Alarm Clock, Zynga Poker, AP Mobil, Dictionary, Southwest, TV guide, Mag Light, I Translate, The Weather Channel, Dragon Dictation, Neo Reader, These are all Free Apps and this is just some of the ones I use all the time.
Those sound like some cool apps!

Nick, the dragon dictation, I am guessing you talk into it and it will type it out so you can send it as an email or save the text?

Those sound like some cool apps!

Nick, the dragon dictation, I am guessing you talk into it and it will type it out so you can send it as an email or save the text?


10-4 its awesome if you want to use big words and u cant spell them...lol....makes u sound smater than u really are. And the translater is good to pick up Mexicans at the corner gas station for work, just type in what u want to say and hit the speaker Mucho Handy, also good for picking up Russian's at Masters.
Ive been on the road for a week plus, and I just tried out EasyTether for my EVO, it rocks. One time fee vs 9.95 a mo thru Sprint. If I can get a signal, Im online. We can catchup on work and email while on the road, and you dont have to find a hotspot.
Man... i kinda feel like i'm living in a cave because i'm still using a "dumb" phone!

Had the the same phone for about 4yrs. now, and i know for a fact that it floats...


+1000 on the Easy tether! Verizon wants to hit me for an extra $20 a month for 2gig and easytether is free and no limits! We've used it a lot of this trip to watch netflix on the road.

As a sidenote, we have had almost 100% coverage all over the South on the interstates. It's a little more spotty out west of Dallas.

Here're some more

Alarm clock plus - nice programmable alarm clock with weather that follows where you are.

Tikl = walkie talkie


Business Calendar - google calendar on steroids

Calorie Counter - from fat secret.com that's how I lost the weight

Craigslist notifier - set to notify me immediately when that super skid deal comes along

CamCard - for scanning all the business cards you pick up so you can throw them away. Saves them to your google contacts automatically in seconds

CamScan - we use it on the road to scan signed contracts to email them back to customers works just like a scanner


Handcent text program - better than the original

Music downloader plus




Tango video conferencing so Chris and other contractors can show me AC units live and I can diagnose problems right there.

Tapatalk so I can drive through the mountains and add the exitement of texting, reading and responding to the sound of tires hitting the white line area.

Zillow = just because I like to know how much houses are selling for.
My wife has an application that lets her listen to her favorite radio stations live from her home in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is a nice country with very pretty women :)

You're right, it is. About 11 years ago I was spending a little time over there and met a very one of those pretty women... that ended the single life for me. It's a beautiful country, we get back there once every year or so.