Welcome to our X Car Wash Guys,

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Welcome to our X Car Wash Guys,

We are pleased to have you on the site, however we all are displeased with your misfortune. I hope that if your still fighting to stay in the business we wish you good luck. if you now have other endeavors good luck with those.

I hope that the site carwashguyssuck.com really helps others make the right decision. I think it will be a site where facts cannot be refuted by Lance and the he will only keep silent. Silence in this case will be admission of guilt.

As washers I’m with you guys in your fight for what’s right. I just can’t wait for more truths to surface for only his franchiser and X franchisers know the truth.

I ask politely not because we do not support. Because we are building a board here to instruct and educate pressure washers and assist contractor with problems around the globe. We appreciate you guys joining and I will tune in to the carwashguyssuck.com on a regular basis. But please let’s keep the conversation about Lance Winslow in the mindlessblabbering section or at the site Will has made. (On Will’s site they will do More justice)

Once again I thank you guys for being a part of this site. I thank Will for the many people he will help. I also thank him for understanding what our site is about and wish his site good luck and that it may help new washers all around the Globe.