Week Started Out Dead - Broke Loose!

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
This week started out Dead, but broke loose, with TWO, over 1500.00 huge tile roofs to do, BOTH referrals from our Network.'
For those of you that MISSED the Florida Roundtable, Ron Musgraves talked about the importance of networking.
He couldn't be more correct.
ALL the work we have this week CAME from our network :)
This means, they are NOT shoppers.
Thank GOD for referrals, ads aint working :(
NETWORK Guys, it will pay off.
I got 2 jobs this week from pictures on my website... seems to be getting alot of views these days..
Websites are good, but make NO mistake.
For the FIRST 5 years of business, ya gotta work yer azz off to build a network.
JUST having a web site dont mean chit.
W/O a network, better have a part time job :eek:
The Twins, LOL
You have good advice Ron, and we do try and share jobs with our network.
You have to give jobs, to get jobs.
Never know when I will be dead, and someone I once helped will be able to help ME :)
You guys (Chris & Ron) are way ahead of the game in this networking thing. I contacted a few window washers that don't PW. 20% of my new business is from these guys. If we get new roof washing or PW customers, we don't do windows. So we point them to the window washers. We carry their business cards, they carry ours. Networking doesn't have to just include just those in your industry.

Kind of a symbiotic relationship.
I got a call for a house wash job from a visitor to my website today. I was not in that part of Texas so I gave him the number of 2 other guys that were closer to him, hope one of them got the job.
This week started out Dead, but broke loose, with TWO, over 1500.00 huge tile roofs to do, BOTH referrals from our Network.'
For those of you that MISSED the Florida Roundtable, Ron Musgraves talked about the importance of networking.
He couldn't be more correct.
ALL the work we have this week CAME from our network :)
This means, they are NOT shoppers.
Thank GOD for referrals, ads aint working :(
NETWORK Guys, it will pay off.

How are the weeks Now Chris?
Websites are good, but make NO mistake.
For the FIRST 5 years of business, ya gotta work yer azz off to build a network.
JUST having a web site dont mean chit.
W/O a network, better have a part time job :eek:

Ditto !! I think 5 yrs is a good mark, it takes that long for people to see your name around and start trusting you as a contractor.