We the People

Beth & Rod

SR Wood Geek / Moderator
We the People
By Beth Borrego

We the People. These proud words beat true within the heart of each and every American. Ours is a legacy rich in tradition, and clear in vision. We teach our children about the meaning of freedom, but we do not let them forget the lengths we must go to in order to preserve our rights born of those freedoms. In our hearts, we know one thing above all else. We are Americans, and we will not tolerate those who trespass upon our soil, to threaten our freedom. America is made up of many people from many walks of life. Those who choose to come to our land and pledge their citizenship and allegiance to our Nation, enrich our lives, as they bring their own heritage and culture to pass on to their family and to share among friends. We are a nation that respects other nations and other cultures, teaching our own children to respect those who are not Americans. In school, children study many cultures and traditions, exchanging cultural stories with their peers. We are taught that it is right to express ourselves and to believe in the faith of our choosing, and wrong to condemn others for making a choice that is unlike our own.

The American spirit does not dwell in a building nor is it commemorated in a single solitary statue. It beats in the hearts of each and every one of her children. During difficult times, we reflect and show our unity, our solidarity, and our determination to remain one voice united in freedom. We are reminded of our many privileges, and how precious they are. The lessons we learned in school about the hardships faced by our founding fathers is foremost in our minds. We the People. No longer are we segregated, Democrat and Republican, but we recognize ourselves as Americans. Many things seem trivial as our focus shifts to home, to family, to community, to brotherhood. We explore tolerance where we had not before, but are intolerant of those who would threaten our borders and endanger our people. National politics are set aside as we give comfort to one another, watching and waiting for news that our freedoms are secure.

Our hearts go out to those who remain oppressed, who are forbidden to learn, to work, to dream, and to be, for we know we are and will always remain, free. Two income families and women with careers are viewed in a new light, as we realize the enormous personal fortune that freedom provides for all Americans. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, what color your skin is, or what religion you practice. We are one, we are the same, and we are united. We the People. Our love of freedom and belief in the rights of others has torn down the walls of discrimination built on gender, built on race, and built on religion. We are a society that helps its citizens to learn and to grow, to realize their dreams and achieve personal fulfillment. Education is available to all Americans with the hope that it will aid in delivering the American dream to each and every citizen. We know, as our forefathers did, that as American dreams become reality they enhance our way of life and support our nation and her legacy.

Ours is a culture of caring and comfort, filled with love and compassion. As children we are taught that when someone falls you help them up. If someone cries, you comfort them. And if someone is trapped, you rescue them. Our strength comes to us in many ways, like the hug of a child, a drawing of a flag, a neighbor who brings a casserole to a mourning family member. Our neighbor does not just live next door, but is our fellowman and an American. We the People. We do not lock ourselves away to ignore the suffering of others in their time of need. Out stretched hands, hours of long hard work, and displays of courage and dedication to national welfare, shine as beacons of honor in the proud eyes of each and every one of us, as we find ways to contribute. The goal is clear: defend our nation, maintain our freedoms, and comfort and aid her people.

Nowhere in the world is freedom as symbolic as it is in the United States of America, a nation founded on freedom for her people. We the People. America opened her borders, accepting those who wished to live within them and sheltering them in the bosom of liberty. She has extended the loving arms of freedom to her neighbors in times of need. Those who have fallen are watched over and protected in eternal sleep, with love and remembrance. It is right to remember those who have died both recently and throughout our history, for the greater good. Selfless, united deeds ring loudly with liberty and should never be forgotten. Such gifts breathe life into our dreams and determination into our souls. Freedom will never allow us to forget who we are, or what America stands for.

This document may be distributed freely, but the author asks that it be done in its entirety and without being edited. All right reserved. The author was inspired not only by recent events, but by her own lineage. Contact the author at: bethborrego@hotmail.com
Thank you Ron, very much. Please, copy/paste it and email it to everyone you know.

You have many talents that are all your own. You put this board together and created a community, didn't you?

Beth :)
Well written and a beautiful read. Keep writing. You have another calling as top author. Move over Norman Mailer and John Updike.

Let us know when you publish your first book. A friend of mine publish a book this year and he put me on the back cover along with some other people who gave it rave reviews. What an honor that was. Anyway goodluck with your new found career as an author if you want it.

John/Clean County PW:)
Thanks John,
I've dreamed of being a writer since the 8th grade. I'm pleased you enjoyed the piece so much. You've put me in some pretty good company. Thank you, John. Don't worry, I don't plan to stop writing......

Thanks for posting that Beth. Even with all our problems, we still live in the best country on earth.
God bless our troops, let's hope they get the job done quick and get back home.