We need to stop being crybabies and do whats right

I hear so many friends tell me about how they hate what the Govt is doing with "OUR" money. The truth is there would not be any Govt without "US" the people. We vote em in and the ones who represent "US" come up with these crazy budgets, laws and how they are spent. I am a conservative, but even "MY" people are and were involved in crazy spending when "WE" were in charge.

I have a analogy. Imagine a bum who comes to your window begging for money. There are some things you do.

1.Judge if this man deserves the money based on his story.

2.Judge if the explanation of what the man wants to spend the money on is worthwhile.

3. We set a budget on how much we will give the man.

From here we have 2 choices:

Give the money and trust him to do what he says he will do with it.


Do not give him any and tell him to get a job.

Problem is when we give the money to him we will not see what he will spend it on. Most likely it will be alcohol and you will see him again begging for more money again.

The latter seems to be what goes on with our Govt. With that said they always come back, make promises that they will use our money rightly and then screw us again. See the problem? I do. It is something we have been overlooking. They can not spend "OUR" money unless "WE" give it to them.

I do not know about you, but I think it is time to tell the Govt and the IRS to get a job because it has been too long that they has misused our monies. Remember they work for us.

Want to get madder? Obama is pledging, now its our money, but he is pledging to give "OUR" money in the excess of 10 billion to countries to create green jobs/environmental agendas. Now just for round numbers to work from, we are 300 million strong in population. That means every year they can give everyone of us 33 million per year and allow us all to do something green with it since Obama is apologizing for us all ruining the Earth and they state that we use the most resources.

Elections have consequences!

I am with you, when I was younger I never paid this stuff any mind. Now I am all over it for 2-4 hours a day, everyday. I want to know what the powers that control my life are up to so I try to stay informed.

The biggest thing I changed was I stay informed and I do not stay silent anymore. My friends that do not pay attention until 2 week before a major election, I talk to them NOW as things are happening. My Dem friends that do not pay attention are appalled to learn how far left there "guy" or their "gal" is. They are too busy watching cr@p on TV......
The only way for this country to get back on track is a full 180 back to the constitution. The constitution gave us the freedom to MOVE our families to states that closely match our business and or moral values. The us government doesn't have the constitutional RIGHT to do most of what it has it's hand in.
The problem lies with those weak conservatives who believe the way we believe, but sit back and say "it can never go back to the constitution because it has already gone to far for to long".
the best thing that could happen to this country is complete collapse at the hand of the foreigner who was elected to the top office. I just hope it happens fast enough to stun us back to the original plan and isn't watered down by "bipartisanship" political backrubbing.
Instead of giving help and monies to foreign people as incentives to come to America, just give it to our own people. Its like if you have your sister or Brother going hungry and you chose to feed your neighbor...wait up...Obama does have that Brother who herds goats and lives in a tent right? He may say that is his example...screw you and your family...go help the world instead... I am with Sam kinison on this one...what do you expect when you live in a DESERRRRRRRRRT?!!!!!! IT WAS SAND FROM THE START OF TIME AND IT WILL STILL BE SAND IN 1,000 MORE YEARS, GO WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!

The U.S. Govt needs to go back to being the US Govt !!!
I agree as strong conservative myself. Did you see the Hillary PR guy that received 5.97 million to "save" his 3 employees' jobs????!!!!????

Sorry Aqua - your math is way off. Every American could receive $33. But at the same token considering the bailout and our government - the U.S. could have given each taxpayer over $4300 with the bailout!!!! Talk about stimulous!
I agree with you too Tony - we need to take ten steps back!!! I would move back on our social policies to pre-LBJ! Our government spent approximately 34% of tax revenues on social spending in the early 1960s. Today, that number is about 68%!!!

That is before this CRAZY public health care option! Since when can we afford this!!! The gov't needs Dave Ramsey!
I agree as strong conservative myself. Did you see the Hillary PR guy that received 5.97 million to "save" his 3 employees' jobs????!!!!????

Sorry Aqua - your math is way off. Every American could receive $33. But at the same token considering the bailout and our government - the U.S. could have given each taxpayer over $4300 with the bailout!!!! Talk about stimulous!

lol I know that. I did the math later myself real quick after I had the time because it seemed crazy when I was driving in the car. It works a bit more than 33, but I will be a good American and round it off lol
Remove the Federal Reserve, Remove the IRS, Remove the UN, and Screw the Geneva Convention, you mess with US and will make you regret it publicly on Pay Per View!!!