We have all done it!

Scott Stone

New member
You know you have, and if you havent, you have not been in business long enough. So, what is the most redneck thing that you have done to just get a job done.
For me, I used a wire tie to replace a messed up hose clamp. Using the premise that there is nothing so permanent as something temporary, it lasted three months before it failed.
What have you done and how long did it last?
how about wiring into a local restaurant wiring on the roof to run a burner. No pun intended however thats redneck.

The most redneck thing I have done is using ratchet straps to hold down a 330 gallon tank full of water.

How about running your flashers because your too lazy to crawl under a trailer and figure out whats going on with the wiring causing the brake lights to not work.

Hooking up 2 trailers to 1 truck, one trailer with an 8gpm machine, the other trailer with a 5.5 machine
I have 3 ratchet straps holding down a 525 gallon tank. For 2 years now. LOL
I was on a roof years ago at a customers house that was not home and I was working by myself. My ladder fell over so I used my pressure hose to loop around 2 - 4 x 4's that were laying on the ground and leaned them against the house. I used them as a slide to get down off the roof.
Delavan went out on a roof I was cleaning once. I only had about 2 min. worth of spray time left before I was done with the job.
I had a pump sprayer but my drum pump was busted. 20 gallons of mix still in the drum that pulls from the top.
Yep, had to siphon roof wash in the pump sprayer to finish.
NASTY stuff. I could definately taste the sodium. I never swallowed any. I finshed the job and dealt with the taste later.

Needless to say I keep an extra pump just in case.
Forgot the key for our ladder locks and couldnt clean the roof from the ground, so I stood on my helpers shoulders and he hoisted me up onto the roof. I had to jump back off of the roof.
Too many Duct tape moments to remember !! Also the famous not locking the rear P/W hose reel (Not Me) and running down Interstate 75 at 70mph with 200 ft of hose slapping around behind me.

Before having a lift truck, I would stand on top of the water tank with an extention to clean the facade of the S/C.
One of my techs had his ladder stolen while on a roof in the middle of the night. He looped the pressure washer hose around the exhaust fan and repelled off the roof (super-high strip mall roof), all while machine was running (hot water, hot hoses). He grabbed his gun from the truck and started his chase. He caught the guy trying to load the ladder on a geo metro and radioed his helper to call the police. Held "detained" the guy until some campus police showed up.
While an awesome story, in the heat of the moment they never thought to shut down the machine. I guess the bypass could only keep it cool for so long, and the pump failed that night.
To finish the job, as someone else mentioned, they had to run a small back up through the heater on the skid.
The owner was so excited that a thief was caught outside his place, he paid us to replace the pump and gave the guys free drinks to help calm their nerves.
I had to pick them up at 2 am to give them a ride home and figure out how to get the truck home the next day. When I asked him why he went for his gun at the truck, he said the guy was trying to run with an 80lb ladder and he knew he had time... so I asked him why he didn't take the time to shut down the machine...