We get by with a little help from our friends...

Beth & Rod

SR Wood Geek / Moderator
The link didn't work for me.

Everyone Else,
I don't get a chance to meet very many of you in person (much less your families), but I did have the privilege of meeting Morgan and his family in March. They are five of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

Cleaner Times Magazine
Ok... I give up on the link.... Here's the post:
Good morning everyone,

In the past, you may recall that other BBS's there have been times when folks needed help, and the power washers out there have been fast to respond to a fellow washer and help him through tough times.

It has come to our attention that a board member here, has recently had the misfortune of being laid off from his full time job. He no longer had health insurance, and is facing some pretty tough times.

To show you how bad this is for me let me give you a little history lesson on my family. I was born with a VSD which is a hole in the heart I had it repaired at 18months old and now have high blood pressure at the age of 34. My 11 yr old daughter was born with multiple VSD's doctor said her lowed chamber of her heart looked like swiss cheese. She had to have surgery two yrs ago and they were unable to repair the holes so they did reconstuctive surgery called a Fontain opertion. She spent 5 weeks in ICU and had a heart attach. They decided she needed a pace maker so they put one in her. After a yr the lead wire broke on the pace maker and she had a stroke spent another 3 weeks in ICU and had the lead fixed yes another open heart surgery. Then last yr we found out my 8 yr old daughter had an ASD which is a hole in the upper chamber of the heart and she had a new procedure done were they can repair the hole like doing a heart cath. The cost for that was just as much as Open Heart Surgery she is fine now. Then 4 months ago we find out my 3 yr old has a ASD but the hole will close on its own so she will be fine. My oldest daughter takes a hand full of pills three times a day and I take blood pressure pills. My middle daughter has ADHD so she takes ridlin so our prescrition drug bill is expensive. Add all this together and it = 's no insurance company will touch my family unless its through a company that has alot of employees. In the last month we have racked up over $2500.00 worth of medical bills with no insurance. This is why I never went full time in this business because of insurance reasons.

How many of you remember when you went into power washing full time? It was hard enough without having the addtitional stress and cost of medical expenses. Most of us, had the choice of when we went full time. Thankfully, Morgan Paradise has the skills he needs to go into this full time. He needs our help. Morgan is a hard working family man with three beautiful children who is faced with not being able to have their health cared for. He is working full time in a field he had been part time in, up until now.

The Staff on this BBS feel very strongly about helping our members, and as a result we want to ask you all to help Morgan. He needs money, but we also suspect he needs supplies and equipment too. Anything you can do, will be appreciated.

Morgan is aware of our efforts. We asked him if he would let us help him and his family. Here's his response.

Since I posted that on the board I have sat down and figured out my medical bills they come out to $5185.00 plus I went and bought more medicine it was around $85.00. I am still working on the TennCare thing. I really don’t know what to say I never thought anything about someone doing this. I have sat here for truly 15 minutes trying to come up with something to say. Im speechless. If you guys feel its something you want to do I am all for it but I don’t want anyone to feel obligated please please if you post it make sure everybody knows that. Im usually not one to take handouts but Im at a point were I have to say what do you do. Ya know. I am very humbled by your kindness and all I can really say is THANK YOU and may GOD BLESS YOU. Morgan

Reply here or email us. Both are fine. If you need to ask about supplies or equipment he might need, please feel free to post here.

Thank you all for supporting Morgan as he gets back on his feet.

Here's Morgan's info.

Paradise Pro Wash
Morgan T. Paradise
755 Donelson Dr
Eads, TN 38028

Morgan T. Paradise
Eads, TN 38028

Beth & Rod