Way to go Texas !!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Way to go Texas ........

Recently, the city of Dallas, Texas passed a No Insurance
ordinance: if you have no car insurance, your car will be

To retrieve your car, you must show proof of insurance,
pay for the tow, a $350 fine, and $20 for each day the car
is in the lot.

After the ordinance was passed, the impound
lots were full after nine days. Most of those cars were driven
by illegals. Not only are more uninsured drivers off the road,
but it is taking away the illegals vehicle who won't pay for
accidents or might endanger your life.

Dallas's Solution:

Get them off the road WITHOUT making them show proof
of nationality.
Wonder how the ACLU or the Justice Department will get
around this one.
Dallas solution to Illegals...Brilliant!
von der Uffz
We have a similar ordinance but have not enforced it until a couple months ago as we only had 1 impound lot but they were making several other lots to handle the cars.

First 2 weeks they impounded a few hundred cars I think and auctioned them the next month as people did not pick them up, similar fees here also.

I wish they were enforcing that since it passed, a kid wrecked into my truck and did not have insurance and my insurance company could never get my deductible back from him and I have not seen the kid around to get his recent info or plate numbers.

I am very happy that they are doing this, at least 20% of drivers here are driving around without insurance, realistically it is probably closer to 30% or 40% but they are finally doing the right thing and getting most of these cars off the road.
I like it! To bad in Florida they can get insurance.

Kory doesnt Fl have the same law? Only thing w Florida is I think the cops remove the license plate and often time the drivers come back and get it after the police have left, then the driver goes out and steals somebody elses plate.
They need to do the same thing here in California. It would ease the traffic congestion and our state is alwayscring how about broke $$$ they are. Maybe a law like that would help fix some of it.

Back in my towing days (mid and late 90's) I was making $1200 to $1400 a week as a driver impounding cars for a towing service at night. Those days are long gone though. Nice thing was I was on commission so if it got slow I would lay down in my truck and take a nap.
It's funny everyone thinks it a right to drive it's a privilege.

Kory, Kory, Kory. Driving is a right. The right to travel unencumbered by federal, state or local law by whatever means available was one of the rights our founding fathers attributed as coming from our creator. That is why that right is enumerated in the Bill of rights.

Where was the license plate on George Washington's horse?

Before you go talking about "accidents" and "cars are lethal weapons" I'll just let you know that I'm prepared to counter that with accident and death rates higher in proportion to ours today in the 1800's with buggies and wagons.

The only reason driving is considered a "privilege" is because the government has put you through a public school and drilled that into your head so you won't cause a ruckus when they confiscate your car for the next new felony violation that becomes vogue. A brainwashed subject is a good paying subject.

Citizens of the United States have the right to FREE travel anywhere in the United States. Driver's licenses were initially only given to those who make a living transporting goods across the highways as a penalty for their using the highways for gain. Basically it was a tax on business. Once they realized the gold mine they had, they moved it on over to violate our constitutional rights under the guise of "crime solving" and "order on the highways". The fact of the matter is, the vast majority of citizens travel at sensible rates and those who don't will not whether there is a law against it or not. States with no limits have proven this and their accident rates have gone down.

Kory, you give me hope sometimes, then you say some government slogan like "privilege, not a right" and go back down do the bottom again. Keep climbing and read some history! :)

(With all that said, ILLEGAL aliens have NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. They are here illegally and every time they are caught driving their vehicles should be confiscated. I'm not "hard-hearted" on this. Some of our best friends are going to go back to Mexico now and raise their family doing the best they can because the father of 4 did something illegal and is now on his way back. His wife and kids will follow. They will live with less, but they will be together as a family. People all over the world make it just find WHERE they are and don't have to illegally enter another country to "better" themselves.)
"It's funny everyone thinks it a right to drive it's a privilege."

I'm trying to keep these things straight - walking is a right? Roller skating? If they invent flying cars, will that be a right?

Actually TRAVELING is a right, however you do it. 'Driver Licensing' and that attitude that we have to beg to use our cars, on our roads may just be the root of all lost American freedom.

Bonanza Test - Just imagine the sheriff telling the Cartwrights riding their horses was a privilege! And come down and pay every year for your horse! and you can't buy or sell a horse without our 'title'! There would be bloodshed, and rightly so....
Tony you beat me to the punch. Driver licensing is legitimate - for someone who is going to make a profit from 'our' roads. We have the right to use the road, but not to make a personal profit from it - thats the privilege. And thats exactly all there was to begin with

How about a marriage license?!?!? Marrying outside your race was a 'privilege' see, so you had to get a license, fast forward and now supposedly we all need a license to get married.

'Driving is a privilege, not a right - Driving is a privilege, not a right - Driving is a privilege, not a right'
How many times have I had that vomited at me like a trained seal...
We were born in the wrong generation Tom...

This generation, with no knowledge of of history, is like a flock of eagles that never leave the ground because a few of them are afraid to fly and convince the others that they can't fly.

So they never spread their wings.

A previous generation gave their lives and fortunes for us. And we p#ss it away like it's worthless.

We are getting what we deserve as a nation. Get ready to strip your children in a private room with a stranger for "flight inspection". It will happen. The founding fathers knew it. History just repeats itself.

Jewish captives young and old were walked naked to Persia "for their safety".

What kind of life are we leaving for our children.

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