Water Restriction Article

That was quite interesting, I'm glad to see they are helping play a role in the decisions made. I'm north of Denver and we are in a stage 3 water restriction, this means no outside watering except for hand watering of tress/shrubs and plants. Outside watering includes any washing of vehicles, structures and flat surfaces, lawn watering and filling of anything like pools and hot tubs. I'll try to get the letter they sent to me and scan it, so I can post it. They expect this to last for 18 monthes, unless we receive above average snowfall and still there is no garantee they will change it. They have raised our water rates twice in the last 6 monthes to boot. Something that is very strange around here is the inconsistancy in the water restrictions. I am in a rural area just outside city limits and my water company covers the rural areas and some small towns, the city I live close to has its own water system and they have stopped their water retrictions for the winter and said they would look at it again in the spring. The city my in-laws live in east of me have not had any water restrictions all year. It's very confusing trying to keep up with who has what restrictions or if any. Needless to say, I'm praying for lots of snow this winter, besides I would rather wash in the snow then in the heat of the summer.