Washing Pavers

I started two of my new shopping centers today and I think I have seen enough pavers for a life time LOL this place is almost all done in them damn things, They are not so bad after a few washes but the first wash kicks your b hind. They had so much over burden sand on the first center it was insane, the second one had nothing so it was fast and easy. Now to sweep up all the sand tomorrow in the morning. We have to get it cleaned up for the Grand opening Weds morning, so we have a lot of sweeping to do too. Hopefully all the construction works are done in there so we can make good time.
Is there any good chems to use on these after they start getting dirty to help clean these bricks, like around the benches and places where they eat and spill stuff? to make them look clean and new.
Is it an opportunity to sell the present and future benifits of sealing ? Dan Cosgrove
I have one area that seems to be seeping Salt or Alkali around the edges of the pavers still is there a way to get rid of that or stop it from happening? it's in an area of about 20x20 ft maybe a little more.
Call Prosoco 1 800-255-4255. Ask for customer assistance,they can help you with procedure and product, for the pavers. Dan Cosgrove
I was just reading up on thier products LOL thanks I'm going to talk to them, this salt or what ever it is seeping up from either the sand they put down or groud water out there, it is in an area full of Alkali and other salts in the ground out there where they build this shopping center. Will look into it here, I have a meeting tomorrow with the PM.
It's calcium hydroxide leeching towards the surface...AKA Efflorescence. It is formed during the curing of the cement, and is drawn to the surface over time. Muriatic Acid will do the trick by eliminating it through balancing the PH.

If you do end up sealing these pavers, make sure use a siloxane based sealer.
They are composed of silicone and hexane, emulsified in xylene, thus forming a sealer with hydrophillic and hydrophobic tails. This helps the sealer penetrate into the paver, blocking the remaining efflorescence from coming to the surface, yet remaining breathable and maintaining excellent surface repellency.

A good friend of mine was the head chemist for H&C for 17yrs, and now formulates all the Marine Industrial/TufTop products. He has "created" a sealer just for me out of necessity; Half my work is fixing others' mistakes.

If you need more help, feel free to call anytime.

Matt Shaw
Shaw Custom Painting and Waterproofing
There is ground water bringing it up to the surface so I'm waiting for them to fix this problem. We had a meeting and I told them about it and they said they already knew there was a problem there so we shall see if it gets fixed or gets worse.