Walk Tall and stand for something.

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Since my surgery I have had alot of down time. I had the great opportunity to catch the WW2 5 day series on the History channel. This was done in HD with real footage of every aspect of the war from the Bombing of Pearl Harbor to the Bombing of Nagasaki & Hiroshima.

I always had a Great Respect for our military but after watching what these 18 & 19 yr old kids went thru and accomplished, well it was nothing short of amazing!! My father being one of them who fought along side Patton in North Africa then into Sicily. This awesome and very graphic series is very humbling and if you get a chance to catch it you will be a better person after watching it.

We truley live in the best country in the world, and I am so proud to be the son of one of these men of honor, I just wanted to put this out there because I know that most if not all of us on this BB are true patriots, but to truely apreciate what that really means, well this is something that has to be seen.

God Bless our troops!!!
Great post Nick. My dad is retired Navy. We used to live in Hawaii, and have been to the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor several times. Last time I was there, I was only about 13, but I still remember standing in the memorial (directly over the sunken ship), and seeing the marble wall off fallen soldiers, there were so many. I still remember the intensity of feelings going through my head. My hat goes off to all our military that protect us every day. I have a few young brothers & cousins serving right now.
I've been watching that series too. Incredible footage.

My dad was also in Northern Africa during WWII. All I have are a few photos and his military papers he would never talk about it.
I've been watching that series too. Incredible footage.

My dad was also in Northern Africa during WWII. All I have are a few photos and his military papers he would never talk about it.

I know now Rick why our Dads never spoke of it!! I also have some paper work and his medals which is some of the most valuable things I own.
I have been watching it too. Those men and women who served were truly a great generation. Back then the USA knew how to fight a war. No PC BS just fight to win.
I have seen two part of this WWII series and will be asking for the whole collection for Christmas if it is available for sale. I have the Band of Brothers collection and have watched it 4 times now and feel I personally know these soldiers. These WWII guys are definately part of our country's greatest generation and perhaps today's troops will become our second greatest generation!