Wal-Mart Now Sells Caskets!!!!

Next they will have a maternity ward and baby nursery. :shocked:
Great now when I go to Walmart I have to watch out for more than falling prices. Seriously though will they still let you come back and get a refund if your casket goes on sale the next week.
The thing is that Mortuary's have such a huge markup, they were ripe for the picking. When my wifes mom died, we got to pay for her funeral, since she was indigent. (Read that, homeless, long story, but she wore out her welcome in my home long before.) We ended going to a place other than the mortuary for the casket, and cut the cost to less than half.
Lots of businesses have large mark ups on items they sell. Most of them have to to cover their business expenses. Now that people are buying their caskets at Wal-Mart or other discount houses the other costs associated with a funeral will go up so the funeral homes can make up for the lost revenue of the casket sale. Aren't the people that own Wal-Mart rich enough? Can they leave at least a few scraps on the table for the rest of us to live off of.
Funeral homes have an unusually high margin. I don't like Walmart, but I also have a problem with people capitalizing on the grief of others, to maximize their profits. For instance, they often charge 50 times what it costs to perform a service in the funeral industry. They will charge 10 to 15 times what the cost of a casket is. That is a crazy, and unreasonable markup.
Scott you are spot on abot the funeral homes.In 1994 it cost $7000 to bury my 22 month old daughter(mind you there are only 2 casket options for children.Top pf teh line or a fiberglass trunk).4 yrs ago my mothers cremation was $9000(no casket and her ashed were placed in a plastic box that was put in a slightly larger concrete vault).This past March Angela's grandmothers funeral was $11k.
I have told Angela more than once when I die roll me in an old carpet and haul me to the woods on the farm so she doesn't have to be burdened with paying thousands of dollars to put a wore out body in a pretty box.
Just in case no one has thought of it yet. Go market pressure washing to one. I have gotten $2800 out of one this month. I have another "Memorial Garden" That i just got the go ahead on a bid to clean all the walk ways and sidewalks next month. They make a killing, might as well get some of it!!
I have told my wife, and put it in the will that I want the least expensive box available. I don't care if it is comfortable, I don't care if it is pretty, I just want to be buried and done.
When my grandfather died, looking at caskets, my grandmother crawled into the casket to make sure it was soft, and comfortable enough. It is amazing how they profit off of peoples emotions, at a particularly vulnerable time.
comfort really does not matter at that point, You are not there anyway
Thats why theres life insurance, so you can be properly buried without being a burden on your family, the cost is outrageous but it always has been.
I would still rather they keep as much of the insurance money as possible. Not that I want them to be happy when I die, but I don't want them destitute, either.
Put a casket on layaway :banghead:

Think it will raise suspicion?
After the funerals I have attended, the arrangements I have been at and whatever else they try to sell you, they do have some great salespeople with some great training in not only psychology but with playing with your emotions.

I was an outsider just watching what was going on and I finally had to pull a friend aside and let them know what is going on and they actually started opening their eyes and ended up with a nice casket and the works and saved about $3,000.00 That salesman did not like me much. hahahahahahaha

I also think that it is wrong to play on people's emotions at a time like that.