Using the internet for prospects

ken wiggins

New member
Greetings all. As a start up business, I'd like to know if anyone uses the web to find property managment folks, and e-mail them your web site, or, solicit your services via the internet.
Hi Ken,

I'm sure there are great ways to find your prospects, however, whether you'd want to solicit them through their email box may be a bit futile, especially with all of the Spam filters these days. Heck, sometimes I find emails from guys from the bbs in my trash box and they weren't soliciting anything :(

Our plan this year is to, yes, find our prospects on the web, but solicit either in person or by mail, and within this initial contact, offer them a way to sign up for a newsletter. This way the customer has control of what they get (you know how the customer wants control :))

Just my .02.

Property Management Prospects

Yep, I've done it and I'll tell you what, it's not easy to do at all! I've compiled a list of about 400 in my area but it took me a few days to pull it together. It does work fairly well though. I recently found a guy that has a program to do this and he puts out some really good results for finding property managers with email and snail mail addresses. If you like I would be happy to explain his program to you and put you in touch with him. It will save you lot's of time and give you better results than doing it on your own. Just give me a call.
Hey Ken, I got his information for you... Here you go!

I will also say that at first I thought this was a joke or scam. However, it's not. He's helped me out with something that I was working on and I've checked out quite a few of the contacts he gave me. There are a few bad ones, but 98% of them were good. When you talk to him tell him that I referred you..


The Data Bridge has taken the labor out of list building.
We have the most current contact data available in the industry today.
You can reach more of your target market than ever before.

Give us a test we are up to the challenge.

Kelly J. Olcott
The Data Bridge
Hey Henry,

I got an unsolicited email from this guy - so, he is for real?

Thats one organization, its really a building owners group. many pm belong to network large investment groups. So there are alot of contacts.

We forget that development groups are also included.

PM have there own small orgs n each major city. they even have a womens only group. yes you can join if your a male. they are happy to get your support.

I always have wondered why PM would not want to have PW in there orgs.
There largest contributors are landscape and lighting maint contractors.

Sweeping contractors also have a share.