Updated promo video

Scott D.

Not as many before and afters, but I think a better video than the last...or maybe just different..

We took some of your advise and heres a new promo for the website. lemme know what you think..

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fn0R3L_Li0w&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fn0R3L_Li0w&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
It was mentioned before but I would not show application methods in those pics because like it was said before, it will get a lot of them thinking that they can do it themselves.

Just my opinion but I would not show anything about the application process for roof cleaning because just like any other field, you are teaching your local hacks to cut your prices and sell against you and how easy it is. A lot of homeowners will start thinking about trying it themselves and then everyone around the country that sees it will want to do it for some beer or "fix" money.

I like videos and before/after pictures but for this new field that not too many know about, I would not show application technology.

Too easy to get into this industry and lowball everyone.

Just my opinion.

I would get rid of the music. Do a voice-over. You, your wife, a friend . . . someone with a good and friendly voice. Talk about your company (doesn't have to be much, you only need a minute or so). Video is better than slide shows, but as was said before video of the actual process is not a great idea. Perhaps you can show video of your truck pulling into the driveway or onto the street. Show you're not lazy (no one likes a lazy person) by hopping out of the truck and jogging (not running) to get your equipment ready. Then show the slide-show of the roofs before-after. Maybe show the chemicals on the roof, but I wouldn't show the application unless you're wearing a rubber suit and a respirator (don't want it to look like DIY-type job). Then show video of the truck pulling away with the words "Another satisfied customer" fading on the screen as your truck pulls off and out of focus. Then flash your company name and contact info (web-site, phone #) on the screen for the last few seconds. Or, you could have a bar across the bottom of the video the whole time that shows your phone number and then the last few seconds of video remove the bar and have the last screen be your logo, company name, web-site and phone #.

Just my thoughts, but I've never made a video so maybe my idea stinks.