The unloader does NOT increase the GPM ever. It does bypass water to increase pressure though.
It is a PRIMARY SAFETY DEVICE and should never be adjusted from factory settings.
All pumps are positive displacement where at a given RPM they will always pump the same amount of water. To increase flow you need to increase RPM or change to a pump rated at whatever flow you desire at the available RPM.
However, there are limits. With your 4hp Quatro engine (not one of B&S's better ideas, ask any small engine repair guy) will give you 5 GPM at 900 PSI running with the appropriate pump, not the one you have though (2.7 @ 1740).
UNLEARN TWO VERY USELESS PIECES OF INFORMATION... CLEANING UNITS and PRESSURE. Any professional pressure washer will tell you that flow cleans and pressure helps; more of the former is better than more of the latter. Flow is related to horsepower; more of one gets more of the other.
As to 'Cleaning Units', they were designed by a marketing department at a supplier to 'Big Boxes' to baffle the consumer. Pressure is the easy part of the equation and requires minimal quality engineering. Also a 4 GPM @ 1000 PSI machine will clean very fast circles around a 1 GPM @ 4000 PSI machine; every time.
Hope this helps? Cheers.