Uamcc Vs Pwna

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
I guess by now everyone is aware of the rift between PWNA and UAMCC ?

I thought the UAMCC should have a song, so ....

Here it is, the "Official" song of the UAMCC

Here is the music

Here are the words:

Cleaner, there's a need to feel down.
I said, Cleaner, look at what's going down.
I said, Cleaner, they soon won't be around
There's no need to be unhappy.

Cleaner, there's a new place to go.
I said, Cleaner, when you're short on your dough.
You can learn there, and I'm sure you will find
UAMCC is on time!.

"Is this the end of the PWNA
Is this the end of the PWNA

They had every chance to do the right thing
Their own destruction they do bring ....

Say "Bye Bye to the PWNA"
Say "Bye Bye to the PWNA.

You can learn how to clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...

Cleaner, are you listening to me?
I said, Cleaner, what do you want to be?
I said, Cleaner, you can make real your dreams.
But you've got to know this one thing!

No man learns to clean by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the UAMCC.
I'm sure they can help you today.

It's fun to learn at the UAMCC
It's fun to learn at the UAMCC.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

"Is this the end of the PWNA
Is this the end of the PWNA

They had every chance to do the right thing
Their own destruction they do bring ....

Cleaner, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt their board didn't care about me.
And that's why they gonna' be history.

That's when someone came up to me,
And said, Cleaner, take a good look and see.
It's an organization called the UAMCC
And soon PWNA will be history.

"Is this the end of the PWNA
Is this the end of the PWNA

They had every chance to do the right thing
Their own destruction they do bring ....

"Is this the end of the PWNA
Is this the end of the PWNA

They had every chance to do the right thing
Their own destruction they do bring ....

you'll find it at the UAMCC
no man, young man, learns to clean by himself
young man, young man, put your pride on the shelf

then just go to the UAMCC
young man, young man, i was once in your shoes

young man, young man, I said, I was down and out with the blues.

This is pwi and you can pretty much talk about what you want.

Keep in mind the two parties’ are disagreeing and could be in litigation.

Please refrain from personal attacks and defamation of personal character or organization character.

They disagree; I understand that members deserve a right to know what’s going on with the PWNA. If you go to the site they offer and explanation of there side.

Your welcome to render and opinion professionally, the administrators and moderators may not share the opinions of its members.

Let’s start the New Year right, Making money and growing.
Would this be the explanation you're referring to Ron?

While the current Board of the PWNA desires to remain
professional and keep this from public view, we deeply regret
that this has now become public since December 13, 2006 when
founders of the PWNA caused the deletion of the entire content of website, and replaced it with content from an
unrelated for-profit company. This is morally and ethically
wrong and not what the PWNA has come to represent.
i see the point now that it has been explained and researched carefully ,i hope that the outcome is a positive one and that it benifits the industry instead of creating more speed bumps
Me Too!
I hope they work it out, kiss and make up, and have a positive outcome for all.

And, when they do, they need just let me know, and I will write a song about the make up.

It it will go like this ...

"We are one big family
And sometimes we will disagree
Though words and actions can make us sore
We can emerge, stronger then before.

You get the idea ??
Celeste, No I don’t believe they have answered this one yet. I’m certain they will and I sure hope they don’t have anymore negative things about anyone or anything.

I personally don’t see them mending the fence.


I also think it’s great that we have two orgs. I just wish they might be able to compete with one another rather than just point the fingers at who’s wrong.

If you don’t like the BOD then change it. If someone wants to remain with interest in the org. get elected and vote on projects.

We elected the people who have made these changes, its pretty simple.

I could pull up about 20 posts that people have posted in the past saying PWNA needs reform. Now we have reformed and people are complaining about change.

I personally didn’t like every move that the BOD has made. The founder of any org should be treated differently (agreed) this did not happen, so what should they have done.

Maybe have respected him and made transition better, gave special training privileges to Delco University and allowed them to participate without fees?

Doesn’t this really come down to a loss of revenue? I hardly think its going to make or break Delco of alliance. The PWNA still sits in the middle as a tool for education and really still has no value.

UamCc is a testament too this, Delco has started another org. this allows them to get new students for the university.

The grassroots org is a similar function. Organizing and educating contractors through distributors and such. It’s been created by a few contractors and will start organizing people to get education programs.

I think sensationalism is taking over. This has been made to be more than what we can see or vision.

I have friends on both sides of the fence. I wish publicly conclusions could be remedied.
If you don’t like the BOD then change it. If someone wants to remain with interest in the org. get elected and vote on projects.

Now Ron, you know as well as anyone, you can't just get involved and make changes. I am the poster child for "kicked to the curb" by the PWNA. Not only did I make suggestions, volunteer to be on committees or help in a variety of ways, on my own time and nickel, I promoted the organization to my area like a good little soldier. I worked on standards that I presented to the BoD for approval to be included in a major NATIONAL builders contracts (which turns out I got smoke blown up my skirt from a particular BoD at that time - go figure). I did Clean Across America projects, I was a spotlight award winner. For this, and having the nerve to ask questions, I was locked out of their bbs, called an "uninformed member" by the PRESIDENT and renewal of my membership was NEVER offered.

PLEASE tell me why someone would WANT to try and get involved and help?? I have asked the question to others who have said membership was not important or not worth can joining Hurt my company? Well, there it is in a nutshell.
