Uamcc Fabricate the Truth at the UAMCC

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19- Ask Carlos when one Ron Musgraves was thrown out who voted on it and once again was there minutes and were they validated to make it legally binding?

We have emails and verbal confirmation from all the TT members that all were in agreement with. The only exception to the emails is that David V. responded to me by phone in which he concurred with the majority. **David if this is not the case (you calling and rendering your opinion) please let the members know here. Thank you sir:

Still waiting on Refund, Apology and banner would be better.
No offense Ron but why do you guys on here give a rip about the UAMCC? Do some think they will dominate the market in the future and put them out of business or somehting? It just doesnt make any sense why you talk about them all the time.
If Ron wanted to put the time and effort into it, he could build a bigger and better organization than the UAMCC.

Ron would get 300-400 members in his organization without even trying. But we all know Ron has better and bigger plans than the UAMCC ever has and ever will have.

The UAMCC will eventually hang themselves....Ron is just giving them enough rope to do it is all.
No offense Ron but why do you guys on here give a rip about the UAMCC? Do some think they will dominate the market in the future and put them out of business or somehting? It just doesnt make any sense why you talk about them all the time.
That is exactly what I think. They have the potential to lobby for rules they want, have the potential to have dealing with CETA and others like them, have the potential to dictate pricing and rate structures. The Union has more negative potentials than positive ones in my opinion.
That is exactly what I think. They have the potential to lobby for rules they want, have the potential to have dealing with CETA and others like them, have the potential to dictate pricing and rate structures. The Union has more negative potentials than positive ones in my opinion.

If they even IMPLY this they will be hauled into federal court for anti-trust violations in a heartbeat. If it was really a union they can negotiate labor rates for union members under organized labor laws. But agreeing to pricing or rates among independent members of an trade organization is price fixing.
Changing The Perception Of The Industry
For many years the pressure washing has not been taken seriously. There are many would-be company owners out there that mean well but just do not understand how to price their services. For us as contractors that means the public percieves our service as a commodity.. anyone can do it. As a professional you know that this is not true. The UAMCC has joined forces with a large direct mail company called Direct Media. This company will help spread the word about the pressure washing industry. Combined with raising the standards of cleaning and promoting professionalism, UAMCC contractors will steadily raise the public perception of the mobile cleaning industry.

Doesn't look like they think much of this industry or the people in the industry

hope they say nice things about the rest of us when they do those mailers (spreading the word about the pressure washing )

If they even IMPLY this they will be hauled into federal court for anti-trust violations in a heartbeat. If it was really a union they can negotiate labor rates for union members under organized labor laws. But agreeing to pricing or rates among independent members of an trade organization is price fixing.

Rick, Guys, Come On!!!!! This is really crazy!!!!! No one and I mean NO ONE will tell ME how to run my business or tell me what to charge!!!

Are You guys are really believing what you're posting (not you William) people get a freaking grip!!!!
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No offense Ron but why do you guys on here give a rip about the UAMCC? Do some think they will dominate the market in the future and put them out of business or somehting? It just doesnt make any sense why you talk about them all the time.

No, I believed in the UAMCC and put most of the members in the ORG.

I was told it was a non-profit corp. instead Facts are its Sole Prop....

I didnt sign up to Donate to a private individual.


I also want no ex-cons representing me in a public setting.

In a contractor org we have Distributors taking home Skids...WHAT!!!!!

Do some think they will dominate the market in the future and put them out of business or somehting?

LOL, they could Screw up a one car funeral!!!​

I want this embarrasment to Stop Yes!​
Rick, Guys, Come On!!!!! This is really crazy!!!!! No one and I mean NO ONE will tell ME how to run my business or tell me what to charge!!!

Are You guys are really believing what you're posting (not you William) people get a freaking grip!!!!

That's what I was saying Guy. There has been an effort to equate this with a union with the mention dictating pricing etc and I don't see anything that resembles it. I wasn't clear in my post. Price fixing is done for the benefit of those fixing the prices. In this case it would be by the members and for the members and illegal. Price fixing is done between competitors to limit competition. Why would any contractors agree among each other to set prices if they didn't benefit from it?

If some are referring to the big middleman companies trying to get locals to sub work for a predetermined prices. That's not price fixing but bad. The sub has the option to not do the work. None the less it is bad for the contractors. The middleman taking the lions share for connecting the dots is not cool but it's gonna happen. And it really screws the guys that already have those contracts with the companies that they service already. If an org is formed as an artery to help these middleman companies work then I'm not for that ether. I don't see that yet.

A lot of comments get misconstrued and then the capital bolded words start. This is why I've tried to stay out of this and I'm sure many others have too. Ever look at how many views vs. participants there are in a thread? It's hard to have a civil discussion.

I'm finished with it already.
Maybe its over for now
I should say so, private Sole prop its was!!!!!

Private companys advertise in the dist section.

companies that say the are

When there status is not is wrong!!!

Also when they tell the world they have BOD and the ED just admitted they dont...


More crap!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to ask you a question? Did you pay with a credit Card?
I have been for the most part silent. People here are talking because they feel wronged. If the UAMCC had any sense they would refund Ron, apologize and agree to disagree. I joined the UAMCC to network. I was not lied to nor did I pay for services I didn't receive. Thats simply because I was lead to believe if I didn't join I wouldn't be able to post and advertise my products. I am not one of these pressure washing distributors that washes a house once a year. We average 250,000 per year in cleaning revenue. Most of it industrial cleaning. I am a business man. Everything I do I do is to increase my visibility, credibility and gain market share. If I would have read through the information and saw that it was advertised as a not for profit I or if it would have been for profit I would have still joined. I feel bad for Ron, John and the others that paid money for services not rendered. I get mad for these guys when they tell us that they were lead to believe this is a not for profit org. I don not care if Carlos wants to pay himself, his mother or his sister. What I do care about is in my opinion they lied. They sold a product and did not deliver(the banner). So in my opinion they stole. They told a bunch of guys who donated they would be a not for profit. In a way this matters and in a way it don't. Carlos can designate salaries even as a 501 not for profit. So he could have paid himself either way. But in the way it does matter is how many guys drank the koolaide and sent him money thinking he was doing it for free. Not for profit to the average guy means something different. A 501c must pay its employees. Carlos like all the rest of you started his business to pay his bills and make a living. I do not fault him for wanting to make money. I do fault the org for working the old its not the steak its the sizzle ploy to get members. If you are one of the members who joined under false pretencses, then demand your money back. If you paid with a credi card file a protest. I joined knowing that I had to pay to play. I kind of agree to stop talking about it here as it does make us all look bad. It also give lookers information to find the other site. The koolaid tastes good overthere I had some. So watch out. By the way Carlos, and all others that will make sure he gets this post. I harbor no ill will towards your org. I expect you to make a profit, however if ron paid for a banner and didn't get it shouldn't you just pay him back his money? I was thinking of advertising more on your website but this whole thing ruins your creditability. I don't have money to pay for advertising I don't receive. Who Does? I couldn't tell you how many thousands of dollars I have eaten over the years to keep some disgruntled customer happy. Ron was a customer and if you didn't deliver the products offered then give him back his money. This is the kind of press you don't need.
Ok I just bothered to read Carlos's background. Wasn't the mailings he was going to provide through direct media?
Great post Tom!

I feel the same way, Ron should get his money back, it is not the money but the Principal that is the issue.

He paid for something and never got what he paid for.

He got banned for something that was not his fault and if you read the older posts, that phone number was being given out by the org to prospective members aka people that are not members so what is the difference if Ron accidentally posted it when the org was giving it out to non-members?

Why should he get banned for an accident like that? Maybe so they can just keep his banner money and never post the banner?????

It is wrong and they should refund the money.

There is another great thread going on about getting your money back if you use credit cards, very interesting!

Guys keep it on the down low.........SS will lock this up quicker than sh*t :bash:
5:30. Just got home from cleaning a garage, you know, the one I don't do. I am off to bed in a couple of minutes. I hate waking my wife the last hour of her sleep, though.
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