Two Reasons NOT To Close Guantanamo Bay

There are Reasons why we should Have people that we should keep behind bars and not let out on the streets or even brought to our Shores to give them Rights they don't deserve and here are Two Good Reasons Not to Close Guantanamo Bay DOWN PERIOD.

I can ONLY PRAY this new President has the BRAINS to KEEP US SAFE.
So when they release those guys, most if not all go back and re-join the groups that they were in to continue the fight against us, to kill more Americans?

So, The president wants to close the Guantanamo Prison to release those terrorist prisoners?

Is he giving a reason why he is doing this?

I wonder if some of those guys are his friends?

It just does not make sense to me why The President of The United States would release Terrorists so they could go back and start killing people again.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Fleet Washing in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Where do you get your info that they are releasing these people? They will be transferred to another prison facility then the courts will decide if they will be released or interned at another prison and for how long.
How about we just line them up and do away with them waste bags.
Or stone them to death just waste em and move on they try to harm us our guys just give them a 6 foot cell in the ground
Tell Me, why would transfer them to OUR COURT SYSTEM? is there good reason for giving them Rights of a US Citizen? Please enlighten me of this new Right we give guys that cut off our heads on VIDEO. For some reason this makes no logical sense to me or others that want to live free and not worry about being killed by a TERRORIST.

Closing a Prison down thats not near any of our Homes to bring them to a Prison near our Homes and giving the US Rights, HUM, makes all the sense in the world to me. I bet he better think a little more on this Mistake........
We should put them under house arrest, at the White House!!
Where do you get your info that they are releasing these people? They will be transferred to another prison facility then the courts will decide if they will be released or interned at another prison and for how long.

On both ABC and NBC news tonite they both talked about 60 something people that were released are now fighting and 2 of them were on a video talking about how their prison time made them more angry toward the USA and how they will use that anger to fight harder.

I do not know if it is online or not but the news covered it good today.

That is where we get the info from. Go check it out.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Fleet Washing in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas
What we still did not kill them all of yet Oh I see let them out so they can fight some more.Well this goes out to them I hope a 50 cal round hits you in the face dirt bags I hate all of them and hope a slow death for them
You might think that I,m sick Oh well I feel that holding them alive and feeding them 3 time a day is a waste of money and time I guess its O.k for them to chop of are heads and tape for the world to see :confused:

I guess we can let them go to the cave and use them as targets
I guess that's why I was never in the mil...I think I would go a wall and gun them down all of them little waste of freaks.

In the end I say line them up they are good for nothing any way in my book
so just waste em of the face of the earth ...:mad::mad::mad: