Tune In !!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Received this from a friend whose e-mail stated, "Mark your calendar - This Sunday, August 9, 2009, on Fox Sean Hannity, of Hannity & Colmes ~ FoxNews, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 8:00 PM central / 9 PM eastern. He stated on the air this evening that no one in the news media was willing to do this Hannity is going back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his ties to radical professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc., he stated this evening that he will show in detail his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ yrs. How he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states! He has uncovered more of Obama's radical leaders and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. This will be a night that you will learn more about Obama than ever before Hannity is very passionate about this program and asked that everyone please, please watch~~
Sunday night, 8 PM. CT; 9 PM ET
Great info, I will try to watch it.

What are the odds that the man in charge will let it air without "technical difficulties" or other "problems" so people don't get to see it all?

Just wondering.
As much disdain as I hold the current administration in, I think that this is nothing more than a wasted effort, preaching to the choir. Those that like Obama, will not watch, and those that see him for what he is, have their mind made up.
Good bump Travis!!
As much disdain as I hold the current administration in, I think that this is nothing more than a wasted effort, preaching to the choir. Those that like Obama, will not watch, and those that see him for what he is, have their mind made up.

Obama's poll numbers are down.
Fox News, and other conservative news / talk radio numbers are rising.
Currently, 40% of voting American's consider themselves to be conservative.

Many people who voted for Obama wish they didn't drink his kool aid.

There will always be the group of about 20% - 30% who are hard core democrats. All that Hannity, Rush, Levin, and we the American people can do is to speak up and have our voices heard.
I think that Hannity is almost as big of a supporter of obama as Tony S and Scott S. That was an interesting broadcast. I am waitin around to see what Imus has to say about the savior.