Tricky Gutter Cleaning Job


New member
Anybody have any tips on cleaning out these gutters fast:

The gutter line is about 28 feet off the ground, the roof is steep tile, and there are gutter guards.

I'm thinking a 32ft extension ladder on the corners to open up the guards, and get a visual down the line, then a gutter ball on an extension pole to try to flush everything to the downspouts/corners. But I had another thought...anybody ever approach a gutter job like it was a sewer jetting job?
try taking off the end cap and spraying it out.
Tell the customer that the gutter guards are worthless or else they wouldn't be needing the gutters cleaned out. Offer to rip them out for free and empty the gutters by hand. The customer will Love you.
Not seeing a picture of what you actually there but this is what I use for two story gutters. May not look like much of nothing it it sure does work. A hand rake garden tool on the end of a painters extension pole. Real Long one that is adjustable and snaps into the slots. Can't remeber the tech term for the locking device for the various positions/lengths. This doesnt work so well on gutters that have the brackets spaced every 3-4 lengths. For those I actually use a zero with my adjustable wand. Gotta have good aim though or you can put wand marks in roofs, so if you dont have good control or haven't practiced using that method I dont recommend it. But, Like Larry, sid thay gotta remove the gutter guards, if they don't, I dont do them.

Gutter Cleaner.JPGGutter Cleaning Tool.JPG
This is what I use. It works great. I can clean 10' ether way. Its got a hook to get under the spikes and the othe side is straihgt to scrape the chit out.

We use gutter spoons from Window cleaning resources. They work like the rake but have a lower profile. Someone on their board said they put small gutter screws in the end to get a grip on leaves.

I have been using those for years Lenny, they work great and they thread onto painter poles so you can stay in one spot and reach as far as the painter pole can go each direction.

I always clean out the gutters by hand, most of the time the downspouts are clogged.
Try applying flotrol to the plastic handle. It works wonders for fiberglass as well because in the sun those things will start to crack like candy canes.
Well that wasn't fun. I did the job yesterday and it took me 4 hours and every ounce of energy I had. Too bad my only employee went back to school this week. I made the thing that Doug recommended and it helped in some places. I did end up taking down alot of the gutter guards, they were doing more harm than good. The worst part was moving the 32' ladder about 20 times. One positive is that the h.o. was home brewing some stout in his back yard, man that smelled good!