Tornado hits my town

Sorry to hear that Russ.
Not to take it lightly at all but do you guys get a rush of business after a big storm?
not on stuff like that , we would more than likely offer free services during times like that

it was about 1.5 miles from our home, our oldest son is stuck over there at a friends house , they are under curfew by the city and they wont let them out for the night , they do have a generator and so they have some power , we cant go anywhere but we got cable and internet !

From what I undestand there are several hurt , did you see the videos of the shopping center ? They are saying that is nothing compared to the neighborhood behind there which is where my son is , however he is fine and he called as he was watching it come accross the church parking lot, we thought he was being a normal teenager at first (making up stuff) but we soon realized he was in the middle of hell on earth , boy we owe him an apology and we are very thankful he is ok
Good to hear you and yours are ok Russ.
We are waiting for the same front to come through here right now.It looks like it might be losing some of it's gas.
The town of Americus about an hour north of us is getting beat up pretty bad right now with strong winds and rain.Last March the same town was hit by a tornado that leveled their hospital.

A couple of years ago a little town south of us was hit by bad winds that took down their water tower.We hauled water in our tank for people to use for baths and toilet flushing as often as we could for about 2 weeks.In times of natural disaster our immediate concern is helping any way we can.The chance to make money will come along later.
Sorry to hear you got hit Russ. We were under a tornado watch from the same system but it has been lifted. Good to know you and your family are ok.
Good to hear that you and your family are ok. In the end, that is all that ever matters.
That looks HORRIBLE! Glad to hear you are ok though.
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Glad your ok, This was the last one. i guess will be good to go on friday. all clear says the news.