Today is a Sad, but Safer day in Reno

Today after 11 months they got the Scumbag that Murdered , Kidnaped and Raped a young girl from here in Reno and is Linked to two other Rapes so far.
A tip that came in just 26 days ago that got this POS and now maybe her family can feel more atease and get some closure from this, I know the ones on this MB that have kids must know the fear this poor family went through not knowing and then finding out she had been murdered. Our Community came together and did not give up on finding this scumbag and bring him to Justice.

My Heart go's out to this Family and I Pray for them.

I just hope that in Prison he gets what is coming to him and MORE......:mad:
In Texas We Don't Call 911 if we catch them......
Well have have it here too , But it seems to take forever. I do know that the DA is going for the max on this one and I know he will get it, I say why waste tax payer money on food and shelter for scumbags.