Tired of pressure washing?

Russ Johnson

Equipment Expert
Here's a new job...

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Hmmm KEC work doesn't seem so bad now.
I am waiting for the joke of how many people does it take to change a light bulb on a pole.....
wonder what they charge for that one...
That is nuts ! At least if he dropped a tool or something he'd have plenty of time to call the guys at the bottom and warn them.

Id hate to know how long it took to climb that and come back down !
Anyone ever walked up the stairs to the roof of a building that size? I'm not sure I could make it up a vertical ladder like that! I'm all for the elevator, or any type of hoist. And maybe an oxygen tank...
When he stepped up onto the top and then let go to attach I bit a hole in my underwear and threw up a little.
When he stepped up onto the top and then let go to attach I bit a hole in my underwear and threw up a little.

Dare I ask, why was your underwear close to your mouth? You sure do things different in the south. :shout::shrug: