Tile roof cleaning Nassau Bay Tx

Scott D.

We cleaned the roof of a neighbor of theirs last August. When I was looking at the sattleite photo of their home, I saw this one was a beautiful house, but had a really dirty roof. When we were done with the neighbors house we left a business card w/ a note telling them that we cleaned their neighbors roof, and to give us a call for an estimate. 3 days later she called and I gave her a quote.

Then Ike came through and she flooded 5-6 feet and put off the cleaning until last week. She was more than blown away w/ the results. She had thought her tiles were damaged and needed to be replaced.

Including setup up and tear down, it took us about 2 hours.




Roof looks great, good job.
Thanks Guys. We use a 36' extention, then walk it.

Thanks Guys!
Great Tile Roof Cleaning Scott. I'm sure you really made that H/O's day now that she knows that the Tiles on her Roof are in good shape. I really think you are getting the hang of this Roof Cleaning thing. Hahaha! :D Keep up the good work buddy! :)
Great Tile Roof Cleaning Scott. I'm sure you really made that H/O's day now that she knows that the Tiles on her Roof are in good shape. I really think you are getting the hang of this Roof Cleaning thing. Hahaha! :D Keep up the good work buddy! :)

Thanks Larry! Im trying to get the hang of it. Not sure if im cut out for it though. ;)