Tile Roof Cleaning Largo Florida

This is the Tile Roof I had mentioned that we had to Clean in Largo FL. that was 9k sq. Ft. the Roof wasn't really all that bad. We Cleaned it in just under 3 hrs including rinsing all the exterior walls and wraping it up. It's tough to see the full size of the house in the pictures because of all the angles but here they are.

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A few more pics from that job...I took a few pics from on top of the Roof when we finished. Kinda gives a different view.
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Thanks guys... The bulding contractor and the owner of the house were both very happy. I've still got to go back to clean their Pool Deck and Driveway when the remodel is finished. You should see the inside of the house. It is huge. You could easily get lost in there...:)
Thanks David. No, Thank God it wasn't grooved. I know what you mean though. The tile Roofs I did for a plaza took me almost 700 gals. That job took 13 hrs and they were grooved. This Tile had a nice flat surface to it...
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Nice job Larry!!
Thank you Mr. Nick :)