Tiger Woods

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Tiger Woods was seriously injured in a car accident today, thats all they know so far.
There saying achohol was no a factor....Can we say drugs then?? We all love Tiger and I'm sure his attorney's will say that his Million dollar car had a broken accelerator or something.... But like they say...it is what it is. I'm thinking they my try to go the AMBIEN route like they did with the Kennedy's a few years ago.

Tiger was most likely on something and it wasn't his wife...DOUGH(Homer)
SOOooo! I guess he DOESN'T drive a Buick like in all his commercials? :confused:
He drove his Escalade down his driveway and took out the Hydrant then into the neighbors tree. I think he told the reporters he was taking a Mulligan!!
Fortunately, Tiger Woods was released from the hospital in good condition.

When I first heard this story break, I was shocked & silently said a quick prayer for him. Almost immediately after this, I was imagining David Letterman and his ilk doing their comedy monologues.

Hopefully this was just a freak accident, and not some sign of real trouble in Tiger Wood's life...

Just my 2 cents