This is a great product!!!

we has use tagaway couple times good stuff
At the Georgia Roundtable we are planning to use four different products on graffiti to see which one works bestest/fastest. Taginator will be one of the products being used. It should be fun! Contractor Roger Gothorp will be hosting this project. I will let you know how that turns out. See you there, Ron!
All the Taginator products are great. BK Enterprises Elite seems to be pretty good as well. I was not so impressed by EacoChem's stuff, surprising since all of their other stuff rocks.

Jeff Robison
Clean Up Atlanta
Works real good, have only a lil left though.had a halfpipe tagged at our local skatepark and the "pro powerwashers" who work for the city couldnt take it off.(not without digging a few wholes into the crete with a 0*)but it does smell bad
That works great for non painted surfaces tom but does it work on painted stucco? I would think it would change the paint color.

Tagaway for previously painted surfaces. Works well, unless the tag has been applied over a latex paint surface, that is in weathered shape. I have found that Tagaway will dissolve both the tag and the previously painted surface. I have experienced the same result with the BK Enterprises Elite.

Taginator is the best product I have used to remove graffiti from bare masonry or concrete surfaces. Dwell time up to 15 minutes, sometimes a second application is required. I have experience some shadowing, at times. Have experience the same degree of shadowing with the BK Enterprises Elite.

Bottom line is you can purchase Tagaway or Taginator for about 50% less, and in my opinion the product works better. Yes, I agree, does have a powerful smell, but meets or exceeds all environmentally friendly, bio degradable requirements. I know that the City of Phoenix will not approve the use of the BK Enterprises Elite, but will allow Taginator and/or Tagaway.
I just came from my Dentist office and while I was there they asked me if I could remove the graffiti off the Brick Masonry Wall in front of the building, I just a month or so ago one one end of the wall over a weekend some one tagged it and then it must have been the city that came by and painted their wall over the tagging and it looks like crap. Now will I be able to remove the paint from both the tagging and the city with this stuff? I will get pics tomorrow and post here. They want it back to look like brick not some baize colored paint marking it in a big block.
I just came from my Dentist office and while I was there they asked me if I could remove the graffiti off the Brick Masonry Wall in front of the building, I just a month or so ago one one end of the wall over a weekend some one tagged it and then it must have been the city that came by and painted their wall over the tagging and it looks like crap. Now will I be able to remove the paint from both the tagging and the city with this stuff? I will get pics tomorrow and post here. They want it back to look like brick not some baize colored paint marking it in a big block.

Is the black wall raw, unpainted masonry ? If so, Taginator will work great. The paint the City used to paint over the graffiti is most likely a cheap latex paint that will come off easily, possibly with just pressure.

Graffiti (spray paint) is an enamel, bond very well to bare masonry and concrete. The Taginator will work, let it dwell for about 15 minutes.
Yea it is just a raw masonry block wall light brown in color, I just ordered some Taginator for it and I know she wants it clean as she is very picky and is pissed that someone painted it without asking her LOL. Now How much do you guys charge per SQ. FT ? the one are is about 6 or 7 ft by 3 ft tall and then 2 real small areas.
Yea it is just a raw masonry block wall light brown in color, I just ordered some Taginator for it and I know she wants it clean as she is very picky and is pissed that someone painted it without asking her LOL. Now How much do you guys charge per SQ. FT ? the one are is about 6 or 7 ft by 3 ft tall and then 2 real small areas.

I would charge my minimum charge, plus the cost of the chemicals used.
I buy Taginator buy the 5 gallons on a monthly bases and just started with tagaway for some graffiti inside schools on lockers ect. GREAT PRODUCTS AND GOOD SERVICE...
OK Question for you guys, there is a sidewalk in between the wall and the grass I guess I should wet the grass down good first, but will this kill the grass off? She is picky and the last thing I need is a grass kill LOL
OK Question for you guys, there is a sidewalk in between the wall and the grass I guess I should wet the grass down good first, but will this kill the grass off? She is picky and the last thing I need is a grass kill LOL

Can't hurt Terry, but Taginator and Tagaway are both 100% envirnmentally friendly and biodegradable. I have yet to encounter a problem with landscaping or grass being harmed.

But when in doubt (like I was the first several times I used this stuff) I wet down the areas before and after.
How long is the length of wall Terry, just asking in the event that the entire thing had to be washed to blend in.

I would use a latex stripper on the paint, then the tanginator on the tag, let it dry and see how it looks, up sell on a good sealer, so that the next time it happens (and make sure you inform here that the probability of re-occurrence is high) , at that point sell her on a seal job.

Hey thats just thinking off the top, I never did any graffiti removal or used the removers mentioned.