This guy really pissed me off.

I went out to do some door to door sales today in my own neighborhood today. I found the worst roof, and seen the home owner in the yard I though this is awsome. So I get out of the van and talk to the home owner. I tell him who I am and what I do. He asked me "how old is my roof?" I told him looks 20-25 yrs old. (all roofs in my neighborhood were replaced after hurricane Hugo about 20 yrs ago) He told me the roof was 23 yrs old. Anyways this guy guy told me he does not like what I do and would sue me if I ever got on his roof for false advertisment. I asked him How am I falsely advertising. He said your company name Palmetto Roof Restoration is false, because I am not restoring a roof. I said "I am restoring your roof to a new like image." he said well your not restoring the 23 years back to the roof, I said " thats rebuilding or replacing something, like if you restore an old car from the 60's you can get it new again, but It will still have 40 plus years age on it." I thanked him and walked off his property before I got really mad at this guy. His buddy caught me by the road and told me the guy was a builder and a licensed roofing contractor, no wonder he did not like

I wanna hear some some thought on what the guy said about being able to sue me for my company name and falsely advertising. I don't see how but if I tell guy I'm going to clean the roof, and I do so then whats the problem?

I wanna hear some insight and horror stories.
There's not one......the Marine in you is coming out :) Disregard and move on.

One entry found.


Main Entry: res·to·ra·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌres-tə-ˈrā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1: an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a: a bringing back to a former position or condition : reinstatement <the restoration of peace> b: restitution c:restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition[/U][/B][/B] [/B]<the restoration of a painting> d: the replacing of missing teeth or crowns
2: something that is restored; especially : a representation or reconstruction of the original form (as of a fossil or a building)
3capitalized a: the reestablishing of the monarchy in England in 1660 under Charles II b: the period in English history usually held to coincide with the reign of Charles II but sometimes to extend through the reign of James II

Jeffrey, This is from the merriam-webster website. If you read letter c. of the definition it says it says restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition. I do believe the condition of the guys roof would be greatly improved. You can't win um all. Trust me I've been there before. You just have to laugh it off!
I guess his deck looks like cacka-de-poo-poo as well. Heaven forbid a wood company advertise restoration - guess he'd expect it to be back in tree form, right? LOL

Mine was worse! Its been a guinea pig to all my Think I have cleaned it 4 times now.