This bb works real SLOW!!!

Clean County PW

Active member
Why is this bb soooo Slooooowww when trying to read post or posting for that matter. It gets frustrating waiting for the post to pop up.

Anyone else experiencing this and what can we do about speeding up this bb?? I thought this problem was fixed in the past but now it seems worse then ever!!!
I noticed that today.............I'll look into it. I"m sure there's a reason for it.
To be honest, this is the fastest i have seen it come up in a long time....

It was real slow, even after the "upgrades", But know it is flying...

I have noticed a slow down to. It was running real well after the upgrade but has started to slow down again. I may be wrong but one reason it may load slow is because of all of the pics/graphics/images that have to load on the page. There are allot of pics on the site, most everyone has a logo etc etc. I am no computer guru so I may be dead wrong.

try this as it will load the text first and on old threads you can read the last post before all the pics have loaded...go to

tools(at the top)\internet options\advanced tag\scroll down to where it says ...multimedia and put a tick in the box that says

show image download images.....and click apply.

it is even better when surfing the web

Been this way for about 3 weeks for me, Ron told me once it would be fixed by Monday but I forgot to ask what Monday of what YEAR.

Still slooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww.

yeh thats the right tells the page where the pictures will go and it can then load the it and then look at a heavy graphics your trailor and you will find that you can scroll down to any newposts while the pics that you have already viewed are d\l...give it a few days and let me know what you think.....

cheers paul.

sorry the tip is not to make this bbs faster....but for surfing in general.....espeicaly if there are a lot of graphics in a thread or a web site....leave it the way it wont do any harm.

ron will have to rell you why its slower ???

cheers paul.
I'm working on a resolution to this problem...............thanks for your patience!
