I remember where I was and what I was doing at work at the refinery that day.
Most of us shut down work and after a while were sent home to be with family just in case there were other things happening that day around the country.
I watched TV the rest of the day and nite changing channels but none of the channels talked about a 3rd building falling down, just the towers and the pentagon.
I wonder why this was kept quiet, there is obvious news showing the building 7 falling, there is expert information saying how a fire would not make that building fall so why did it fall and why were we not told about this back then?
With this modern age, internet, and everything else, why were we kept in the dark about building 7 and why didn't more people that were there watching talk about it and spread the news of this event?
This really upsets me, more things happening and the truth is hidden from us and everyone else.
It really sucks when there are people out there mis-informing people, hiding the truth or other ways of keeping people in the dark of what is happening out there or in this case, what happened in plain sight and not talked about for reasons we were not told and still not told.