Think outside the box! What do you think?

Horrible. It may get you remembered but for all the wrong reasons. I would find it offensive if I saw it advertised and I know many others would too. You may lose customers you easily would of got with non offensive good advertising. Don't go there, you don't need to.. Like Ron says you can do a shocker but not one that paints a picture of CHITin peoples minds

Plus roof stains are not skid marks in any description, they are stains and growths
I see all of the points made and agree it could be offensive if not properly handeled. On the other hand, If handeled right it could be a great marketing tool here in oklahoma where roof cleaning education is way behind.

It may be shock at first, then turn into a great grabber when the home owners start seeing thier roofs each time they pull up the drive. If used at a home and garden show with face to face conversation and video presentations it may come across much better than just put on a postcard or such.