Things that p@ss me off about BB's.

Scott Stone

New member
1. New guys that come on and ask basic questions, that with a quick search, or a little thinking they could find the answer to...
2. People that think that the pricing in Phoenix, Alabama is the same as pricing in Phoenix, Az.
3. People that think that it is their lifes duty to denigrate and mock anyone that asks a reasonable question.
4. People that are internet Guru's, and have next to no practical experience.
5. People that refuse to believe that you can make more than $30,000 a year doing this biz.
6. Guy's that preach scream and yell about how successful they are,right up until the time that they go broke.
7. Guy's that cannot write a proper sentence that think that they are smart business men.(Bigboy excepted ;) )
8. Guy's that think that there is only one way, and it is their way.

Now the things that P@ss me off about this business:
1. Guys that bid incredibly low on something, because they have no idea what it takes to clean something, and then default on their agreement.
2. Guys that bid on something, and then see what they can steal from their customer, by not performing.
3. Guy's that hop into this business thinking that it is easy money.

Sorry, things are going really good, I just have been stewing about this, and had to vent.

Scott Stone
Don't hold back Scott, let it all out before you explode! LOL

I hate when 5 companies private label the same lousy house wash and say theirs is better than the other 4 companies

I hate when someone wants to criticize you for giving your opinion on something, expecially when they were the ones that asked for the opinion!. (Present company excluded)

I hate when people want you to give them all the experience and knowledge you've worked your butt off for 15 years and then complains you don't have a 1800 number for them to call you on.

I hate when email for advice and want you to call them so they don't have to pay the long distance charges..(not gonna happen!)

I hate SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate get rich quick guys who power wash for a year then right a manual or book about their expansive knowledge!

I hate people that want to act like they know everything, even if they've never done something before they just read all the books on it.

I hate people that state years of experience when it's actually all their guys experience added up. 1+3+5+2 = 11 years of experience. Sorry, it's not the same.

I hate people who complain about something but never try to fix it.

I hate the high gas prices too!!!

Now I feel a little better.. Thanks SCOTT!
New tariler I'm building. I just got rid of 6 units


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I did not know that Lancey boy was selling franchises again? sure looks like CWG yellow.
And, President of what???
I know this happens a lot but think and tell me how did you learn about pressure cleaning. Could it be by talking to different people and asking them questions? I know that I am a newbie and I am probably asking stupid questions.

There should be a spot for the newbies to go and ask questions to the pros.
Or links to different websites that could not take up so much traffic on this board.

Not to be rude but calm down, You were in our position one time in your life!!!!
Let me see, I started 15 years ago. I bought a pressure washer, and started trying to get accounts. Since the Internet was not available to me or much of anyone else at the time, I sat down and figured it out. Almost everything that I have washed I figured out on my own. When it came to equipment repairs, I found a very good and friendly pressure washer mechanic that not only was willing to teach me, but he let me watch and help, and I paid a premium for it. When it came to washing trucks, I started in my ignorance using just plain water. I then found out that there were soaps that were available, and worked from there. For pricing, I bid a price, and figured out if it was profitableforme to keep going. I washed two large Post Offices for free for two years, because I underbid them. Thankfully, I did almost break even on them
You new guys have the ability to short cut a lot of that process that I worked for about 6 years to get a clue about. I don't mind sharing what I know, but don't assume that I am going to tell you everything I know and have learned in the past 15 years, because we are one happy family on the internet. Do a little research, do some trials, and then ask the questions, will this work, or I tried this and failed, why. Then I will be much more happy to help you.
And for what it is worth, I have been on the 'net for along time, and have helped LOTS of people. Don't assume that I am not willing to help, when I get tired of people asking stupid questions. I just want you to have to show that you want to know, and tried to work it out first.

Scott Stone
Sorry but I'm in almost the exact same position as scott. I think the only thing different is I lived in Maryland... Everything else he said about how he started is EXACTLY what I went through..
I'm not saying I won't help out people either but a lot of my comments are valid. If someone wants help or an answer to a question why should I have to call them, pay for the call?
If anyone has a question I'd be more than willing to help out, just call me on my cell like everyone else does. Even typing out answers on the BBS's takes 3 times the amount of "my" time that a simple phone call would.
If someone's thinking about replying and saying if you put the info on the boards people won't have to call it will be here... Don't bother. Why would I post everything I learned in 15 years so anyone can come on here, copy my stuff and start a business right next door to me? So I can compete against my own techniques and marketing? No thanks, just give me a call.
Hello Ron,
How many years do you get out of the Steel Bed trailer? I was going to have one built last year when I started but the delay was two months and then it was almost triple the cost of a wood trailer because "China is buying all the Steel" was the answer I got from three different companies and could not guarantee a price for longer than 12 hours because it fluctuated so much. I could not wait two months to get started or pay almost triple for the Steel Bed Trailer. Maybe in a year or two when I need a bigger trailer I might look into steel again. How often do you have them sandblasted and re-painted? Here in Corpus Christi, Texas we are on the water and metal rusts very fast.
I am a little different from Ron, I use expanded metal for the floor of my trailer. It is now 5 years old, and looking good.

Scott Stone
Fixing to work on the old 5x8 red trailer... Your right wood sux.. Tried to mount some new hose reels the other day and a whole chunck of wood fell right out of the trailer and to think my favorite whitco unit is riding on this crap... Hmmm.
Anyhoo I have a couple peices of 14 Guage and 16 Guage Stainless Steel Shett (5x10)
// We are going to beef up the frame and then put the 14 guage stailess as the floor and use the 16 guage for some 18 to 20" sides.. Then I haven't decided about the paint for the rest of it..Probably Gloss Black...

Then on the Back Tailgate of the trailer .. I have a step sister that is an artist I am thinking of asking her to paint something really eye catching....

By the way I bought a 14 ft tandem axle trailer yesterday ,,, 4 flat tires and no Hitch but I gave this old dude $50.00 Dollars for it and believe it or not the axles are sraight.
I ll get photos soon..

I love those trailers. That color is awesome, looks golder than CWG's, you oughta take some of that huge money you're makin' and get matching Black trucks to pull them with, that would look cool.


and I agree with everything you guys have said, I remember the "Cody Post" when he and I were defending ourselves against everyone who wanted 'free info/no work'.

Oh, and I hate people that act like all they care about is helping newbie's be all they can be, and they are better than the rest of us because they take their time to help the needy and make the world a better place.........but they also distribute/sell chems,etc.
The paint is just not yellow, its checmical resistant and non=grindable.

Its basically really expensive. It last pretty well.

I have trailers and truck coated with ryhno and other spray materials, i like this better. I can touch up when needed and i also can choose from alot more colors. the spray stuff fades alot here also.
Is the stuff you use to paint trailers POR-15? If not check them out at this stuff rocks.
Im all ears Ron Where Can I Get the Paint.. Got to have Chem Resist.. Caustic eats the crap out of everything including Rustoleum and Also started eating Dura max Coat off of my truck bed... ( Similar to Line-X) Damn Caustic !