The value of our service

Matthew Norman

Today I went out for an estimate on a driveway cleaning. The customer had some new concrete poured and had them seal it with Thompsons Water Seal. Well it didn't dry and looked really dirty and contractor didn't have a clue how to properly seal a driveway and what material to use.

I told the customer I would have to see what happens when I pressure wash it with hot water so I gave him a demo. The water seal came off just fine. So the customer asks how much for the entire driveway. It's probably maybe 2000 sq ft at most. Lately it seems like I can sell every job no matter what I charge. Either showing them a demo or portfolio combined with a professional apperence and equipment. Without thinking I told the guy $450.00 and he was like okay when can you do it and I'm thinking about when I can schedule him and his wife comes out the door and I met here and was thinking if I charge them $450.00 and i'm done in 30-40 min it just looks bad on me and I won't feel good about myself charging him this much money. So I told him I will give him a deal for $350 and do it right now. He was happy with his driveway cleaning and gave me $350 + a $50 tip.

I guess the moral to the story is our equipment is an investment. Our service is valuable. Don't undercharge and sell on professionalism. Making money is good but don't price gouge either. :D

A doctor invests 100k for a phd to make 200.00/hr. I didn't have to. I love this biz.