The value of a happy customer.


I wanted to share this with you guys.

I had a customer a couple of weeks ago that had requested that I only use a soft wash process on her home. From the start I could tell she was very set in what she wanted and very picky (her right to be as a customer). I normally charge more for this type of customer but she was very nice so I did not. We agreed on a price over the phone( i know the neighborhood and home sizes) when I arived at the home I noticed the gutters had oxidation. Instead of upselling her I went ahead and went the extra mile. She loved it. I also did a couple of small things like touch up paint over mud dobbers. All for the original price which was low as it was. I did not have any other jobs the rest of the day so I figured I would do a stand out job.

In talking to her after the cleaning she was thrilled. Come to find out she is a corperate trainer for a large restaurant franchisee in the area they have 45 locations. She also has a friend that works for a nother large chain in the area. She is already throwing my name around and today gave me the directors who runs the areas #. She also has arranged to have me place a bid to clean the common areas in her rather large community.

I posted this as a reminder "to go the extra mile"... as Nick The Cleaner said at the Central FL RT.

This one job could lead to 70k+ in revenue .
Good story. I have not ran into any corporate managers yet but have got other job off of word of mouth.(which im sure many other on here do also) I have learned and am still learning patience is very important do the job and do it right. Do your best then do a little more even if the customer is not directly seeing you it will all work out at the end.
I got a call from a guy in a Clearwater neighborhood one Saturday. I had 2 other jobs to do that day and informed the guy that I had my helper with me and we may be able to do the job for him that day. When we arrived I found out it was in a deed resricted home associated neighborhood. Long story short is that I gave the guy a price that he thought was fair for a house wash and concrete driveway and sidewalk cleaning. We Did all that we agreed on and also did a back wall for him which surrounds the whole community.he was very impressed with the job and come to find out, he is on the board for the h/o association. Since his job I have done every house in the community of 48 homes (Except for 4) some of which are 2 story with pools, The whole 6 foot privacy wall inside and out which surrounds the community(Lots of wall :eek: ) and all the common areas (Concrete walks and gutters) not to mention all the referals of relatives and friends whole don't even live there. they have put me in their news letter as a permanent vendor and I am on their website. All because we did such a good job for 1 guy. It sure turned out to be a sweet little gig.:)

That is amazing!!!

Hats off to you... my sincerest congratulations on what could be a lucrative contact - good luck with the chase!!! :D

One of my best contacts has been a realtor that I cleaned a driveway for (for free)... has turned into $2,500 worth of community sidewalks, numerous housewashes, introductions to HOA reps and community association management, and another group of homes for pressure washing and pool service.

Another recent contact that is looking promising is the Property Manager for an office building in Orlando... I took extra time cleaning curbs and roadside gutters on a job - he's happy and is spreading the word!!

I stopped the other day in the rain and helped a man push his SUV ot of the middle of the highway. We stood there and looked at his engine compartment to figure out it was his battery. Luckily we were at an auto parts store and they changed it out for him with no problem. Before I left we shook hands and he thanked me. I told him my name and what I did, come to find out he is the manager of O'charley's and now he wants me to do his store.

RECIPROCITY - You can't go wrong helping others.
I started a Singles Group, and now have almost 1000 members.
Though it wasn't intentional, our members look out for each other, and I have got plenty of jobs from this.

My brother is an air conditioning contractor and he tells his customers about me.

Networking is what it is all about!
You never know who you are talking to, so treat every customer the same as you would a corporate account.
I was referred to a new pm from a buddy of mine who is also a pm. the pm's usual pw company couldnt get to a job in a timely basis so he called me and i knocked out the job over the next two days. that pm has given me almost 100,000 worth of work in the last 4 months. the other pm's in his office have also started using me for there condo complexes which will probably be another 30 to 40 grand. if you treat people like you want to be treated it will usually pay off.