The Ultimate 90ft bucket truck

Before I bought my 60' bucket truck, I was seriously looking at a 100' fire truck with the ladder and bucket.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how hard it would be to use it on jobs. I would have to pay a fortune to park it somewhere and getting in and out of regular streets would be a big problem.

That one was only $6900.00 but was in california, I could only imagine what it would cost for fuel to drive that back here. Basically the same truck but a lot older, like from the 60's or 70's.
It depends on what you want to do with it.

What is your purpose for the lift?
That could be fun. Hook it up with a custom paint job... it would stick in peoples minds. Use the sides of the ladder as a huge billboard.
On both of the booms of my bucket truck I will have lettered "Roof Washing" or "Roof Cleaning" so when it is up in the air they will see it.

I might even letter the bucket.